Update on Texas dog victim of severe abuse

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Meet Cole; he was found as a stray, and from his appearance there was little doubt that this boy hadn’t been through hell.  Fort Worth Animal Care and Control Placement Network stated Cole needed a rescuer to assume all financial responsibility for veterinary care.

Many rescue organizations saw Cole at the shelter, but did not commit to his rescue because of his history and the extensive, complicated and expensive needs required. Fortunately, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped forward; the organization is well known and respected for helping dogs like Cole – the ones that have no where to turn but euthanasia.

“Cole suffers both physically and mentally and will not only need extreme medical care including reconstructive surgery on his face, he will also need mental rehabilitation, which will require extensive professional help costing thousands of $$$ in addition to his expensive medical care,” the rescue posted on their Facebook page calling upon their supporters to help with Cole’s heartbreaking situation.

“Dogs like Cole suffer beyond our comprehension, living in fear each day without any kindness.”

Cole remains at the veterinarian hospital in Texas receiving life-saving medical care. Plans have been made to transport him to New York City where he will be examined and evaluated by specialty veterinarians. He will also be evaluated and treated by a “seasoned rehabilitation expert” to address his mental state and the mental trauma he has sustained.

“The best case scenario, post surgery is to find Cole an experienced foster home who can address all of Cole’s needs.”

Please note there are very few rescue organizations that can help dogs like Cole. Doesn’t he deserve a chance? Help is needed. Donations for Cole can be made here:


Read previous article about Cole here.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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  1. Must make all you remedial twits in Texas PROUD to have SUCH SADISTIC EGREGIOUS torture by KNOWN criminals getting off with impunity as your LAZY elected SCUM sit around using YOUR money, doing NOTHING to protect YOU or your pets. Then they convince you that your reward is what…MAKE YOU PAY FOR EVERYTHING the poor dog needs. You did nothing wrong, but you sure do PAY and PAY and PAY. I wouldn’t pay a dime to go through Texas, I’d rather pay $1,000 in extra gas and hotel to avoid supporting the DEMONS in this WRETCHED state.


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