So many people turned a blind eye to Emma, but her suffering is over and her world has changed

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An emaciated dog in Houston seemed to be invisible to the eyes of humans who walked by her day after day, as if her frail and starving appearance while scavenging the streets for any bits of food to sustain her life, was perfectly normal.

The nine-year-old dog was literally starving to death and how she even had the energy to stand or walk was beyond comprehension. Her loose collar was matted with dirt, her nails were outgrown and the tiny tumors all over her body signaled the extended neglect she suffered.

On Wednesday, ThisIsHouston rescued Emma from Barc Animal Shelter. She had been constantly shaking her head from a yeast infection in both ears. She was immediately transferred to Vergi24/7 where her overall bloodwork was within normal range. She is anemic, heartworm positive and has been described as “insanely sweet and has a great attitude.”

After being released from the veterinary hospital, Emma went to her foster home, and caring for an extremely emaciated dog is not an easy task. It’s so difficult to withhold all the food a once starving dog wants to eat, but we all know how overfeeding a dog at this time in his recovery could quickly prove fatal. Tell Emma that though!

“Emma tore apart a trash box within the first few minutes of arriving into foster care. She was just about to settle on a napkin when foster mom walked over to bring her lunch. It’s so sad to think about all the things she tried to consume in her street days just to fill her rumbling belly.

She eats and then just stares at foster mom expecting more food – foster mom says it’s the saddest thing she’s seen. And she already knows where every box and bag of anything edible in the house is. She was found staring at the pantry door one morning.


Emma is being fed every three hours even throughout the night. She seems to be an alarm clock when it comes to her next meal, and is being fed a mixture of boiled chicken, rice and Prescription Hills Adult Dog Food. She is reported to be a very happy dog, likes to wear the pajamas to keep her cozy and warm and loves to chew on the bully dust cow ears.

Medically, Emma is slowly progressing, but had blood in her urine which may be a breakdown in her body, muscle, etc. She also showed high kidney levels, but will return to the vet for a recheck in three to four weeks.

Emma is in foster care now and she has an Amazon wishlist if anyone would like to send her goodies:…

To donate to Emma’s care: Call Vergi at 713-933-9589 Venmo @ThisIsHoustonCash App $ThisIsHouston

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