Stray mother dog still lactating finds her puppies with help from a hero

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As temperatures plunged into the 30s earlier this week, a stray mother dog left her newborn puppies in their hiding place in search of food. At the same time, a Good Samaritan spotted her near a gas station and picked her up, knowing the dog needed to get off the streets and the near freezing temperatures.

The kind man brought the dog home, noticed she was still lactating and quickly posted on Facebook asking for help. Was anyone missing this dog? Had anyone seen a litter of puppies?

A volunteer from Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform offered to help. And when she met the mother dog, she knew there had to be puppies somewhere outside. And so the volunteer decided to take the dog back to the place where she was found. No sooner had the dog arrived at the gas station where she had been rescued, she began pulling the lease; the volunteer eagerly followed. The mother dog led the woman to her babies.

“It was an amazing moment seeing mom reunite with her puppies. They are back together and in a foster home in the south. They will arrive in Dallas next Thursday and will need fosters.”


“We named her Hope because we should always never give up and hold on to our dreams because miracles happen… A mother’s love is something no one can explain. It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain. It is endless and unselfish and enduring …”

Check out the video:

We love happy endings!

Many thanks to all the rescuers who go that extra mile to save those who cannot speak.

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Yesterday: Heartbreaking update about dog found twisted inside of dumped crate

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