Woman’s rescued pit bull saves her from home invasion

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A rescued pit bull is being credited for saving her owner from a home invasion in Louisville, Kentucky on Monday. Kelsey Leachman had been watching television on Monday evening when her pit bull named Layla became agitated and ran into the kitchen.

According to WAVE News, Layla started barking and growling indicating to Kelsey something was just not right. Moments later Kelsey stood facing an intruder in her kitchen, and as she ran for the door to escape, the intruder knocked her to the floor.

“The whole time Layla was barking and biting his legs and going crazy, and I was kicking and screaming,” stated Kelsey.

Fortunately Layla biting the man while Kelsey struggled and forcibly pushed him out of the door worked. Police were able to track the man to a nearby high school parking lot where he likely left his vehicle and walked over to Kelsey’s home. What really mattered, however is that Layla knew something was wrong and protected her human companion.

Layla was adopted two years ago, when at the time, she had been starved and covered in fleas and ticks.The two are always together, and one could easily say they have lovingly rescued each other.

The suspect has not been apprehended, but has been described as a six-foot male, mid 30s with a buzz style hair cut.

You’re a hero Layla. Good job!

More news and updates on the National Pet Rescue Facebook page.

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  1. Layla is a prime example of what a pit bull is all about, loving, dedicated and loyal. These dogs have an underserved bad reputation – these dogs are victims of cruel abusive humans who are the real culprits – not the dogs. Anyone who thinks these dogs are born aggressive killers are only seeing the result of the mistreatment they endured by being used by human trash. Even Michael Vick’s dogs were rehabbed and adopted – do not judge these dogs by what ill informed humans spew – Layla is exactly what this breed is about – she saved her owner’s life. This is not the first time a pit bull has saved a human life and it won’t be the last.

  2. Another wonderful animal story of love and devotion to each other. She saved this dog 2 years ago and now the dog saves her. What an amazing story. Sad that we live in a country where thugs think they can rob you and instead of running away when found, proceed to knock you down.Scum like this need to be put away forever.Should be on an island with other cretins like themselves.

  3. This is one of the many many reasons I love pit bulls so much. God bless you both! So glad you found each other!


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