Help needed for gentle-spirited German shepherd beaten up on the streets

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An eight-year-old German shepherd, referred to by volunteers at the North Central Shelter in California as a gentle-spirited dog, needs urgent help. Virgil was found wandering the streets badly wounded after what appears to have been the result of a dog attack. Animal control officers think the dog may have been abandoned and wandering around looking for his home when attacked by the other dogs. Despite his deep wounds and the pain Virgil must have endured, not once did he complain, whimper or snarl as the emergency veterinarian staff cleaned and sutured his many wounds.

Sadly there is no room at the shelter for a dog in Virgil’s condition.


 Virgil Is 8 Years Old, & Weighs 70 Pounds. He Is Blue Alerted For His Injuries & At Serious Risk Of Being Humanely Euthanized.”

Pet Harbor listing:

“My name is Virgil and I am an unaltered male, black and brown German Shepherd Dog. The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old. I weigh approximately 70 pounds. I have been at the shelter since May 15, 2018. For more information about this animal, call Los Angeles Animal Services – North Central Shelter at (888) 452-7381. Ask for information about animal ID number A1778320. NORTH CENTRAL LA CITY SHELTER, 3201 LACY STREET

Check out his video. Please share this boy’s plight. He surely deserves better:

“Poor Virgil’s life is in serious danger, as the city shelter is no place at all for a dog in his condition to be recovering. We very much need to find a safe home for Virgil to rest and recover in. Please consider opening your heart and your home to him. Virgil deserves a happy ending after all that he’s been through.” Follow Virgil on Facebook here. Sharing saves lives.

(Photos of gentle-spirited German shepherd via Facebook)

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    • Nadya,

      Can we find a link for transport donations? I don’t think it would cost that much. In any case, keep me posted.

    • Look for Pilots for Pet’s transports look on line for Angle Wings . They donate their time to rescue.. call your airport and inquire… there are also truckers for pets that will transport check at the truck stops in your area… It would be wonderful if he could make it out of that Hell Hole and he would be company for U… Good luck

    • San Diego to LA is a couple of hours by car, If you can find a way to pay the fees and get the paperwork sorted so the license is in your name transport will be easier to find.

      If not to get him out of the shelter someone will have to pay to get him fixed, and the adoption & licensing fees, which add up fast. Thats before he can be transported.

      Maybe a rescue like best friends or LA gsd rescue can help you sort it out.

    • YES – there is an all volunteer service called Freedom Train Animal Rescue Transports – they will transport animals to safe locations – they can be contacted through the internet – [email protected]. Please look them up on the internet and I hope they can help you give Virgil his forever home – he deserves one.

  1. Please adopt or foster this loving German Shepard. He is a loving dog and just wants to be either back in his own home or into another loving home. Please rescues, help this dog now so he can recover from his wounds quickly.

  2. Keep readers informed about Virgil A1778370 held in North Central LA City Shelter at 3201 lacy St. Los Angeles California. He is special and it shows by his expressive face–he is a special dog! Do not kill him. I shared his posting from your email to facebook but he is not spoken for and needs a local foster to help. Post him more often and put into foster care!

  3. OMG!!! Virgil has the most cutest lovable face! I feel so bad that he has gone through so much turmoil in his life!! I wish I could adopt him but circumstances wouldn’t allow me to have another animal. Please someone open ur heart for this special guy!! I will pray for U Virgil!!


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