From ‘Club of Five’ dogs found next to their deceased owner, last dog dies today

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They were called the “Club of Five” – all family dogs found lying next to their deceased owner. No one knows how long the dogs had been left alone. On Saturday afternoon, the last of the “Club of Five” is slated to be humanely euthanized at Manhattan’s New York City Animal Care Center.

Thus far three of the five dogs have been euthanized; one lucky pup was just adopted. When the dogs were brought into the shelter, they were all separated. Sisters Tricia and Danicka (they were frightened) and brother Ranger (no one came to adopt him) are no longer alive. Now Bruin, who hoped to have found someone to love, may never see tomorrow.

A volunteer writes:

“I have met the Club of Five, most of us have experienced and loved ….to pieces. Nobody is perfect and he is not, just like you and me.Just like his 4 friends, he is dog reactive but who knows what was happening in that apartment before and after the death of their owner …”

And then there is only one.

“BRUIN has a lot of pluses. He is super handsome. That coat of his is gorgeous like a rare exotic wood. And his eyes, two enthralling amber gems. He is so mushy, loves caresses, closeness with a caretaker. What a face! He is not really a player but just enjoys to stay nearby or very close to his person. He is a bench boy! He pulls some on the leash. He likes to chase squirrels and may be cats might not be the best companions??”

Volunteers love this dog. If only someone could step up and help. Please share Bruin’s last wish with approved rescue organizations, friends, family and social media contacts. Follow his Facebook page here.


TO SAVE BRUIN, please post on THREAD or PRIVATE MESSAGE Must Love Dogs pg. Death row pups only get 18 hrs to find a home. Killing starts anytime after 1:00.

” Hello, my name is Bruin. My animal id is #32108. I am a male brown brindle dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center. The shelter thinks I am about 5 years 1 months 1 weeks old.
Weight: 72.2 lbs
Rated Experience”

Read more on National Pet Rescue by clicking here.

Dog left outside died in the heat – read more here.

Man faces felony charge after dog died in the heat

Handsome shepherd scared and confused and in need of help at busy shelter – read more here.

Shepherd stressed, sad and confused


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  1. I don’t know where they get that euthanization is in any way humane. I really hope this baby makes it out alive

  2. Why do U have to euthanize him?? And Y did U euthanize his brothers and sisters?? Well Bruin is a beautiful dog!! I hope an pray someone will come an step forward an adopt this beautiful pup!!! Please let him live! Prayers with U, Bruin!

  3. Living in the WEST I always thought of Manhattan like the movies ::: the rich and famous… Now I see it may be that BUT IT IS ALSO ONE OF THE MOST NON- CARING SELFISH (ALL about ME ONLY) group of Jerks on the EAST Coast!!! The amount of Kill Shelters and CASES JUST LIKE THIS ONE PROVES MY POINT::: So VERY SAD that NO ONE WOULD GIVE THESE ANIMALS A CHANCE AT ALL!!! I would say Fuck EACH and EVERY ONE of YOU out there BUT IT would roll off your SKIN’s LIKE SNOT!!

    • You are absolutely correct. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I live 2.5 hours from NYC and I think the entire place is horrendous and always has been.

  4. the only time that you Euthanasia a dog is when it is sick and not when its healthy FFS. I hope that somebody will adopt this beautiful dog.
    Would love to know why you put the other dogs to sleep
    Have shared this story on Face Book

  5. I can’t believe that they have kill shelters in America & not only that they have only 18hours to get adopted, that is absolutely barbaric, do these centres not have fosterers in place, I think it’s sick, these kill shelters need shutting down & have proper rescues, so glad we don’t have kill shelters in the uk, so hope someone steps up & saves this baby, I would if I didn’t live half way across the globe

  6. Bruin is getting another chance! He is expected to be back on tonights kill list, with euth on Monday August 6, 2018. NYCACC starts killing the death row dogs anytime after 1:00 pm. Thank you for sharing his story!

  7. Julie Carner I am begging you to help Bruin save his life pls find a rescuer who can help this boy out in the shelter before his killing period. Iam from Malaysia and i make encouraging message for someone wants to adopt shelter dogs.I am shering a little penny to some dogs shelter here in Malaysia.Here not many stray dogs coz the muslim killed them in a barbaric way.So pls can u help Bruin out alive.thank you

  8. Y do U have 2 euthanize Bruin?? He hasn’t even been there long an he’s not sick!! So Y r u picking him an 2 day he only had one more day!! That is so fucking wrong! Poor baby, my prayers will b with U!

  9. This place won’t even tell you how many dogs they have murdered! They need an investigation by an outside agency with powers to criminally prosecute!

    • That is because they need to get rid of the management who runs that kill shelter, they just dont care. It’s all about money! For them the more they kill the more money they get. This us horrible what will happen to this poor innocent dog.


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