Rescuers came together as a village to help a dog who didn’t want to be caught

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In San Carlos, Texas, the road to feeling better has been paved with a village of rescuers determined to save the life of a dog who didn’t want to be caught. Why? What might have seemed a forever hell to the dog now named Rocky, he has only known the abuse of having been repeatedly kicked and shunned; one miserable person even tried to run him over with his vehicle.

Fortunately, a Good Samaritan insisted on helping Rocky by feeding him, but the longer the dog roamed the streets, the more likely he would be killed.

It took a village of people on the ground in the Rio Grande Valley to catch Rocky; thankfully they were successful. Rescue Dogs Rock NYC had already committed to helping. By Friday evening, Rocky was trapped and would soon be on his way to San Antonio to the rescue organization’s partner critical care hospital for life saving medical care.

“His entire body is infected, oozing puss and blood everywhere. He’s extremely compromised, weak and in critical condition. If you touch him, it feels like cracked cement. He has no hair and he’s infected throughout his body.”

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC

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  1. May God bless the GOOD folks here who did EXACTLY as He commands. THOSE of YOU WHO ABUSED a SENTIENT BEING just because you could, WILL face YOUR Creator, God, one day and HE WILL NOT LISTEN/BELIEVE YOUR LIES, NOR WILL HE HAVE ANY MERCY on YOU SINCE YOU SHOWED NONE to HIS BELOVED ANIMALS. He sent them as a blessing to YOU, NOT to be fought, starved, raped, kicked, beaten, or dehydrated to DEATH. ALL these actions serve to EXPLOIT and HARM His beloved creatures and HE explicitly states that this is ONE area where MOST will find it almost IMPOSSIBLE to find grace or forgiveness. In other words, IT’S SIMPLE and DIRECT AS TO YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.


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