Two stray dogs suffering: Puppy mills and loathsome backyard breeders

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On Sunday evening, two stray dogs were spotted running through the streets of Jonesboro, Arkansas. ARC Angels 4 Animals volunteer,  Angie Heringer had been driving in the area when she received the call and saw the photos of the two extremely neglected little dogs. Were they just lost or had these two Shih Tzus been the innocent victims of a heartless backyard breeder or a local puppy mill?

“And it’s worse than I imagined,” Angie wrote on her Facebook page while posting short videos of the two extremely friendly but horribly matted and filthy pups. “And getting them home, still worse. Thought at first, naw, won’t post for a few days. No owner deserves these babies, because this is not an ‘overnight matted up doggie situation.'”

Video #1:

No one knows who owns these two dogs, but the question remains, who would allow the dogs to get in this kind of condition? These dogs have been suffering for an extended period of time; one of the dogs has a fishhook stuck in her back and the other one a fishhook in her paw.

“I’m so mad that we let breeders and puppy mill doggie killers do this,” Angie continued. “And so sad that these babies suffer every single day. And many, many suffer and die. Unseen, unheard, unwanted and unloved.”

Video #2

“Come on Jonesboro. Wake up. Stand up. Step up. And Speak up. And owners, don’t you dare try to claim these two. Well wait, ok, maybe you should?  Then we can SLAP YOU WITH ANIMAL CRUELTY, damn it.”

Both dogs are scheduled to be examined by a veterinarian and are scheduled to be bathed, shaved and groomed. To help donations can be made to:
Rescue Rocks
ARC Angels 4 Animals
P.O. box 19055 Jonesboro AR 72403
[email protected] (PayPal)

(Photos and videos of two stray dogs courtesy of Angie Heringer)

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Animal lovers outraged over hunter’s photos of slaughtered wolves – read more here.






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  1. I sure wish there was a way to ban backyard breeders…..if all pet shops would STOP buying from them….that would help!
    DO NOT SHOP………….ADOPT!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. OUT here in the West There has been a great deal of Progress in Removal of this PUPPY MILL Crap! What the Hell is the PROBLEM WITH YOU BACK WOODS ABUSERS BEING ALLOWED TO TORTURE THESE LITTLE DOGS LIKE THIS ::: ARE THEY GIVING THE ::: ANDY GIRIFFIN TYPE OF LAW “KICKBACKS” MOONSHINE: DRUG DISCOUNTS::: Come on have a LITTLE RESPECT for YOUR STATE: YOUR INTEGERITY : YOUR YOUTH : YOUR ANIMALS & PETS… Get NEW JUDGES , SHERIFF’S, DEPUTIES , whatever in the hell it take!!! Develop a LITTLE BIT OF PRIDE IN YOUR state & some COMPASSION for your animals… this may be :YOUR Daddy or Uncle with the puppy mill , But it’s time to DO SOMETHING LOOK at these POOR PUPS!!!

  3. Great save. Hope the sewer scum responsible for the conditions of these innocents gets a fishhook up their rear end after he or she gets to jail. Main thing is there are probably many more from the facility where these two angels came from.

  4. Thank God it was Angie Heringer who spotted and took these two very neglected dogs – they so desperately needed help and could still have been running the streets and could have become the victims of an accident. This was their lucky day – no matter where they came from it was obviously a bad situation. Now they have a chance at being adopted – All to the kindness of Angie Heringer.


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