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Corgi fell into Indian River and miraculously survived 26 hours while treading water

In Brevard County, Florida, a one-year-old Corgi survived a harrowing 26-hour ordeal in the Indian River on...

Heartbreaking photo of neglected senior dog brought into shelter in trash bag

The heartbreaking photo of a 14-year-old neglected dog arriving at the Miami-Dade Animal Services brings tears as...

Dog donned his cone again even after he didn’t need it anymore

Meet Chief - welcome to the world of a one-year-old playful and a bit mischievous golden retriever,...

Utility workers install bird house high on new electric pole to save screech owl nest filled with her eggs

Way atop on Arch Street in Jensen Beach, even real estate way up high has its priorities...

Owners’ dog dresses up in suit and tie to deliver rings at wedding

Adorable and faithful little Rocky played a very important role in the marriage of his owners, Sophia...

Camel from Tennessee petting zoo killed two people

In Memphis, Tennessee, a loose camel reportedly killed two people on Thursday afternoon. The Obion County Sheriff's...

TikTok surprise video after pet cat brought home tiny puppy

Cats and dogs have always liked to bring "prizes" home for their human parents. An adorable flea...

Thousands of animals still at Kyiv Zoo and only limited food remains

Nearly 4,000 animals of varied species still remain at the Kyiv Zoo. None of the animals have...

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