Utility workers install bird house high on new electric pole to save screech owl nest filled with her eggs

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Way atop on Arch Street in Jensen Beach, even real estate way up high has its priorities when it comes to a family’s welfare. While workers with Pike Electric were removing an old utility pole on Friday, they discovered an active screech owl nest attached.

According to the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, utility employee Josh Hamel called the sheriff’s department to report the nest, and when Animal Services Officer Shannon McGee arrived, a detailed plan was developed to move forward in an effort not to compromise the owl eggs.

Josh was able to install a donated bird house on the new pole and faced it in the same direction as the original nest. He then carefully relocated the screech owl eggs with the help of Officer McGee and colleagues of Pike Electric Company.

The old pole is gone, the new pole has been installed, the nest has not been compromised, and Jensen Beach looks forward to a new family of screech owls in the near future.

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