HomeDogsdog abuse

dog abuse

Loyalty of a dog: Buckle embedded in her neck but her tail still wagged

So often it is the loyalty of a dog that wins over our hearts. Some dogs protect...

Two people arrested for leaving puppy in 109 degrees car

In Pensacola, Florida, two people were arrested on Sunday for leaving their puppy inside of a car...

Dogs ‘don’t like it’: Owner tossed his dog off 12-foot bridge

In Wareham, Massachusetts, authorities are investigating a surveillance video showing a dog tossed off a 12-foot bridge...

9-1-1:Abandoned in Tennessee as she endured the worst suffering

Abandoned in Tennessee to scrounge around for scraps to eat, the young dog had endured the worst...

Abandoned dog lying on road with leg bone exposed rescued just in time

Had it not been for a Good Samaritan on Saturday afternoon who spotted Shayla lying on the...

Viral video of husky puppy abuse raises social media outrage

When a video quickly went viral on social media Friday evening, showing a woman from Leroy, Illinois...

Last time political activists tortured a donkey: Now they shot a dog

An innocent donkey in Pakistan that endured horrible abuse at the hands of political opponents died on...

Officers find 5-foot caiman in DC basement used to fight dogs and puppies

On Wednesday, authorities found a 5-foot caiman being kept in the basement in a plastic tub in...

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