Senior dog who watched cars pass by after she was dumped on side of road enjoys the first bath of her life

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At the Voorhees Animal Orphanage in southern New Jersey, a ten-year-old sweet dog had been abandoned on the side of the road. Cars passed by regularly, but no one stopped to help her. When a Good Samaritan driving by spotted her patiently waiting for someone to help her, the dog was brought to the rescue organization.

Upon examination by the veterinarian, it was discovered the dog recently had given birth to a litter of puppies. Sadly, no one knows what happened to her puppies. More than likely she had been repeatedly bred, and when her previous owners deemed her too old, they deserted her on the side of the road. And there she was – alone and afraid.

“As we gave her what was probably the first bath in her life, we couldn’t help but marvel at how gentle she is. We named her Minka which is Polish for ‘strong.’ Her spirit is strong, and she is safe with us at the VAO.”

Vorhees Animal Orphanage FB

Minka can now relax. Her new life awaits her with open arms and lots of love.

Check out her video:

Although Minka has a long road to recovery, she is taking it one day at a time. One day after she was rescued, bathed and slept peacefully and safe, has had the opportunity to just hang out with one of the staff members. And for what is probably a new and wonderful experience, Minka tasted peanut butter.

“She has already captured all of our hearts and we can’t wait to get her to the point where she can share an adoption photo with you all.

Sweet dreams little Minka. We’ll get you feeling better soon.”

VAO Facebook

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