‘Sarge’ left on side of road after hit by car remains in serious condition

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Sarge was struck by a vehicle and left severely injured at the beginning of the week; the driver never stopped. Only six-months-old, the puppy was able to crawl to the side of the country road near Dallas, and in excruciating pain curled up into a ball and waited to die. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan spotted him and picked him up – Dallas Dog -Rescue.Rehab stepped up to help.


Sarge was rushed to the organization’s partner emergency veterinarians for life-saving treatment. Once arriving at the vet, he began to vomit and subsequent X-rays showed his belly to be full of trash likely contributing to his pain because he was not able to stand or posture to defecate. In addition, his leg had multiple fractures with bone fragments throughout.

On Wednesday, the decision was made to amputate Sarge’s leg; the cost $1,800.

Hang in there little guy. Updates to follow.

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