Life or death situation for one-year-old puppy rescued from Texas shelter

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Where are the laws to protect innocent dogs? On Friday afternoon, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC received an emergency call asking for help with a one-year-old puppy lying in a rural Texas shelter – bite wounds covered her tiny body. Poor little Sandy was in shock as the pain of deeply infected injuries caused her excruciating pain.


‘These wounds are not new as maggots have infiltrated into the deep infected holes on her tiny body,” Stacey Silverstein wrote on the organization’s Facebook page as she made preparations to transfer Sandy to an emergency veterinarian in the life or death situation. “We are truly at a loss as to how this could have happened and why no one was there to help this poor innocent angel.”

Within an hour, Sandy was able to be pulled out of the shelter and transported to the organization’s partner veterinarian. The puppy continues to fight for her life and remains on an intravenous drip and has been administered heavy pain and antibiotic medication as she hopefully becomes stabilized and strong enough to undergo surgery.

For days, Sandy suffered with no medical care –  so close to septic shock.

“We are just thankful we were able to move so swiftly to get her out of the shelter and to our vet hospital. We are grateful for the support from our supporters. Keep fighting Sandy. Your life matters.”

(Photos of Sandy from Texas shelter provided by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)

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  1. The owner ought to be facing charges and get a heavy fine, sentenced and never be allowed to have animals again

  2. Dog fighters are responsible for this. No doubt about it. Fucking lousy maggot, savage, barbarian, parasitic dog fighters. No mercy for them. Execute them all – one bullet between the eyes or one center-mass shot and be done with it.

  3. WHAT is the state of Texas so backwards that a puppy in such agony and desperately needing medical attention is just left to suffer??? Exactly what was this so called ‘shelter’ going to do if RDR could not take Sandy?? Leave her to die on a cement floor??? I cannot believe that Texas is so immune and unconcerned about animals in desperate need of help do nothing – Thank God for Rescue Dogs Rock NYC or this poor puppy would have died in agony while this damn shelter stood and watched. PITIFUL is what the state of Texas is, just pitiful.


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