Help: Heartless owner dumps 7-pound dog with huge tumor

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We can’t look away at a helpless senior whose owner dropped her at a high-kill Texas animal shelter with a huge tumor. For eight years little Doris had been loyal to her family; tragically her owner never returned the respect.

And here Doris was nearly forced to face her nightmarish reality; that is until animal advocates asked Rescue Dogs Rock NYC to intervene and save the seven pound Chihuahua dragging a melon sized tumor growing out from her belly. She had no where to turn – an emaciated, dehydrated and anemic dog with a host full of medical problems.

“She has so many strikes against her, but we will do whatever we can to help Doris and see her through all of her medical needs,” the organization’s co-founder Stacey Silverstein wrote on Facebook. “She’s eight-years-old, suffers from Tick Bourne disease and is heart worm positive, but her life counts.”

To help Doris with her medical care and surgery, go to: 




(Photos of dog with tumor courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)

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A broken heart – senior dog returned to shelter because of adopter’s landlord issues. Read more here.

senior dog's heart broken

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  1. My heart goes put to this beautiful little girl. Thank you Rescue Dogs Rock!!! Yes her life matters!!! There are days when I wish so called human beings got nasty diseases with no cures like heartworms. I hope the maggots who abandoned her rot away from the inside out.

  2. Thank you RDR of NY for again coming to the rescue of these poor, neglected animals.Owners should be prosecuted and forced to pay for care as well as serve some jail time.

  3. Sick POS animal owners. If this assholes would only think if this shit happened to them when they were an infant and their mother did this shit to them maybe their mentally sick mind wouldn’t do this. I hope abusers all get a disease rot slowly and die.

  4. If not for Rescue Dogs Rock NYC Doris would be dead – they came to her because a shelter in the Godforsaken state of Texas would have done nothing but killed her. I hope Doris is able to recover and get the safe loving home she was surely previously denied. And as for the maggot puke owners who dumped her – they deserve nothing less than a date with a tractor trailer.

  5. How do people ignore something like this and then dump the dog when it becomes a big problem? They shouldn’t have a dog if they can’t take any better care of it than that! Thank you Rescue Dogs Rock NYC again for helping another dog in Texas! Prayers for little Doris, I hope she is able to be helped.

  6. Why can’t these worthless excuse for humans be held accountable when they bring in abused animals?!?!? I am so freaking sick of monsters being allowed to own pets….. we need a national registry where every single name is added to it if they hurt, kill, abuse, abandon or relinquish a pet!!!!! They should NOT ever be allowed to own another one!

  7. No doubt the owner chose not to bring Doris to the vets and allowed the tumor to grow. It certainly didn’t occur overnight!


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