Crippled dog barely able to stay alive on harsh streets of Texas has been rescued

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In Donna, Texas, a photo of a crippled dog fighting to stay alive on the harsh streets didn’t go unnoticed by volunteers at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC on Monday. Animal advocates on social media had been sharing the pictures hoping someone would step up to help.

Charlie, as he has now been named, was barely able to walk, is covered in mange and his skin so infected with open sores, his suffering and pain can barely be imagined.

“This photo just really made me feel so sad, and I know this poor angel is truly suffering and how hard it must be to be so crippled and keep going on the streets with no help,” co-founder of the rescue organization, Stacey Silverstein posted on the group’s Facebook page.

Charlie was rescued on Monday and is currently at the organization’s partner veterinary hospital in San Antonio receiving life-saving medical care. And one by one the homeless ones are being saved.

Updates to follow.

Please help Charlie and Donate to his immediate medical care ..
Hit the DONATE button below .
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