Dog named Sterling brutally tortured and killed just one month after adoption

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In Utica, Michigan, a maintenance crew found a missing dog named Sterling in a park on Tuesday where he had been tortured and killed less than one month after he had been adopted from the Michigan Humane Society.

According to the Michigan Humane Society, Detective Sgt. Greg Morabito of the Utica Police Department, stated the dog was found at Grant Park on January 24. Police determined three-year-old Sterling had been abused, however no details of the dog’s death have been revealed.

Sterling was identified through his microchip, and police were able to contact his owner. The dog had gone missing one day prior, and police are investigating as to the dog may have been stolen. The owner is not a suspect.

“It was tortuous”, Elise Ramsey, from the rescue organization, said of the way Sterling died. “It’s definitely something no one should have to see and [something] that a dog should never have to go through.”

At a news conference with the Michigan Humane Society, staff members and volunteers had all watched Sterling grow up from birth as part of a litter they had rescued. Sterling had been adopted in December.

“Last week Sterling was found in a Utica park, the victim of terrible abuse that resulted in his death. He was adopted from MHS in 2018, and had been living a happy life with his new family ever since. Sterling went missing the day before he was found by police.MHS is working with the Utica, Michigan Police Department and Crime Stoppers of Michigan to find the person(s) responsible for the death of this beautiful dog. It is our hope that someone out there saw something and will choose to report it. Additional information on the crime can be found with our friends at WXYZ-TV Channel 7 and FOX 2 Detroit.You can report tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP or online at Tips can also be given to the Utica PD at (586) 731-2345 or the MHS at (313) 872-3401.Our team mourns the loss of this sweet boy.”

The police have been questioning a person of interest, but need help from the public from anyone who might have witnessed what happened near Van Dyke Avenue and Hall Road near Grant Park. So far the reward is up to $3,500. Help Sterling find some justice.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest in animal related news.

Let’s dance!

What the fluff, duck style!

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  1. Pure Evil. There are reserved spaces in Hell waiting for them where they will burn forever for their cruelty…… (hope they all die ASAP: alone, in pain, in horrible circumstances and afraid…… the same as this innocent furbaby died)……

    The terror and pain that this furbaby suffered makes me cry…… Precious treasure, your life was stolen from you (& your life mattered). I am absolutely heartbroken for your trauma & death. So sorry that humans failed you in every way possible……

    Please look for MacKitty in Heaven and he will welcome you into his snuggle buddies group. You can RIP amongst his loving friends……..

  2. First off RIP Sterling rot in hell evil doers! This seems to be becoming a major issue are all these case connected in some way? I know it is in many states but something is not right about this. People that abuse animals are pure evil. Most horrific act of animal cruelty and the police need to take these cases more serious. I’d like nothing more than to be able to hunt and destroy evil they need to be locked away forever in order to protect society from their evil actions.

  3. How horrible this is! The Sterling had finally been adopted and then this has to happen, his family must be devastated! I hope they find the POS that did this and Sterling’s family gets some justice!

  4. HOW WAS STERLING made Accessible to THE RUTHLESS BASTARD or Numerous BASTARDS to take and Torture this beautiful… Did the family leave him outside without ANYONE HOME /Was he placed in a Kennel /with access to him for anyone who wanted to do this horrific deed … How very sad , but I wonder If His Home was really that secure and stable in the first damn place

  5. JANUARY 28, 2019
    In Utica, Michigan, a maintenance crew found a missing dog named Sterling in a park on Tuesday where he had been tortured and killed less than one month after he had been adopted from the Michigan Humane Society.
    MHS is working with the Utica, Michigan Police Department and Crime Stoppers of Michigan to find the person(s) responsible for the death of this beautiful dog. It is our hope that someone out there saw something and will choose to report it. Additional information on the crime can be found with our friends at WXYZ-TV Channel 7 and FOX 2 Detroit.You can report tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP or online at Tips can also be given to the Utica PD at (586) 731-2345 or the MHS at (313) 872-3401.Our team mourns the loss of this sweet boy.”

    According to the Michigan Humane Society, Detective Sgt. Greg Morabito of the Utica Police Department, stated the dog was found at Grant Park on January 24. Police determined three-year-old Sterling had been abused, however no details of the dog’s death have been revealed.

    Sterling was identified through his microchip, and police were able to contact his owner. The dog had gone missing one day prior, and police are investigating as to the dog may have been stolen. The owner is not a suspect.

    “It was tortuous”, Elise Ramsey, from the rescue organization, said of the way Sterling died. “It’s definitely something no one should have to see and [something] that a dog should never have to go through.”

    At a news conference with the Michigan Humane Society, staff members and volunteers had all watched Sterling grow up from birth as part of a litter they had rescued. Sterling had been adopted in December.

    “Last week Sterling was found in a Utica park, the victim of terrible abuse that resulted in his death. He was adopted from MHS in 2018, and had been living a happy life with his new family ever since. Sterling went missing the day before he was found by police.

    MHS is working with the Utica, Michigan Police Department and Crime Stoppers of Michigan to find the person(s) responsible for the death of this beautiful dog. It is our hope that someone out there saw something and will choose to report it. Additional information on the crime can be found with our friends at WXYZ-TV Channel 7 and FOX 2 Detroit.You can report tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP or online at Tips can also be given to the Utica PD at (586) 731-2345 or the MHS at (313) 872-3401.Our team mourns the loss of this sweet boy.”

    The police have been questioning a person of interest, but need help from the public from anyone who might have witnessed what happened near Van Dyke Avenue and Hall Road near Grant Park. So far the reward is up to $3,500. Help Sterling find some justice.


    Hey everyone!!! Just called Lansing! Told the nice woman who answered what was going on! Super helpful! She said the fastest way to contact Governor Whitmer is to do the following

    Go to
    Go to “Share your opinion”
    Click law and public safety or “other”
    Type in your opinion….
    I told the woman on the phone what happened and this is exactly what she told us to do to get ahold of the governor!!!!…
    Here we come Lansing!!!! #JusticeforSterling



    WXYZ-TV Channel 7…

    Found this info for anyone that wants to contact the County prosecutors office.



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