Adorable: Police officer adopts puppy left to die in freezing river

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A Daytona Beach police officer adopted a puppy left to die in the freezing Halifax River nearly a month ago. On Thursday, the Daytona Beach Police Facebook posted photos of the most adorable puppy now named River and the police officer, Kera Cantrell,  who visited the puppy, as the pooch recovered at the Halifax Humane Society.

It was during the Florida cold snap when temperatures fell below freezing when the tiny pit bull was found under the Seabreeze Bridge in Daytona, Florida. Two Daytona Beach Animal Control officers, James Lee and John Pearson, were able to fish the shivering puppy out of the water, wrap her up in towels and help to raise her body temperature. The puppy was rushed to a nearby veterinarian where she was nursed back to health.

Check out the video as officers try to warm the puppy:

Officer Cantrell loved visiting River so much – who could NOT fall in love with this adorable puppy? The department added the following update to River’s progress:

“Officer Cantrell is now River’s new mom and these are two happy girls!”

Thank you to all our police heroes and thank you for your service. Many happy years together Kera and River. Why not stop by the Daytona Beach Police Department Facebook – tell them Pet Rescue Report sent you and thank them for helping those who cannot speak.

(Photos and video via Facebook from Daytona Beach Police Department)


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  1. ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????

  2. Thank you for saving this adorable puppy and then giving her a loving home. This puppy was probably no more than 6 to 8 weeks old when she was abandoned. The person who left her by the river should rot in hell where all the other evil heartless POS reside.

  3. I love the police officers who rescued and adopted the puppy. So many police officers shoot dogs for no reason. It is so nice to read that there are compassionate loving police officers out there.

  4. Officer Kera Cantrell – THANK YOU SO MUCH for stepping up for River – You will never regret it – Pit Bulls are the most maligned and misunderstood of all dogs – when in fact, they are extremely loyal, loving and make wonderful companions.


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