Tinsley dumped at shelter: Backyard breeding at its worst

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In an open admission Texas shelter, where dogs who are sick or injured are the first to be euthanized because of lack of funds and space, Tinsley was dumped. It is suspected she had been part of an abusive backyard breeding operation. Her skin, raw to the touch, infected and filthy; the young dog surely had been treated like trash. The litter she gave birth to nursed from their mother – even though Tinsley must have been in agony as she did her best to care for her puppies.

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped up for this dog on Monday morning. Stacey Silverstein, co-founder of the organization who often rescues the most severe cases of abuse, neglect and torture, couldn’t get past the look in Tinsley’s eyes:

“The abuse and neglect we see on a daily basis is heart wrenching. Why does this continue day after day? How could human beings allow this torture on innocent lives to continue like this?,” Stacey posted on the team’s Facebook page.  “Just look into her eyes, and you see despair on every level. There are just no words here. All we can do is pick up the pieces and help. This is what we plan to do.”

Ask yourself how many times has Tinsley been bred and re-bred? What has happened to her puppies? What would have happened to this dog today had Rescue Dogs Rock NYC not been able to help? The newest case of abuse and neglect will be heading to the organization’s partner veterinarian hospital today where she will be administered life saving care and treatment. Donate: Http://rescuedogsrocknyc.org/donate PayPal: [email protected].

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

Read the awesome story  about the dog Dudley and the cows. 


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  1. Tinsley is just another example of the massive cruelty inflicted on innocent animals by puppy mills and backyard breeders whose ONLY priority is MONEY – the welfare and health of these poor animals is of no concern at all. They sell sick, diseased and abused animals to ANYONE who has the money. These dogs/cats deserve MUCH MUCH better than to be treated like trash. Once again Rescue Dogs Rock NYC comes through – I firmly believe ALL puppy mills and backyard breeders should be permanently outlawed and ALL breeders be regulated to one litter per year – WAY too many people live off these animals. This has to stop. I hope Tinsley gets the safe loving home she never had.

  2. I am so thankful that Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped in to rescue her…..when she is better could you share an after Happy picture of this sweet Mama….

    • agree, if more people suffered under the law for abuse and neglect of a precious life, we would begin to send a message that this will not be tolerated!!

  3. If it weren’t for Rescue Dogs Rock NYC and other organizations like them, these dogs would NOT have a chance!. When is this torture going to end!

  4. Why can’t puppy mills be banned???? There should only be legit breeders. However, due to the horribly over population of homeless pets, I wish ALL BREEDING WOULD BE STOPPED FOR A MINIMUM of one year. Let’s catch up with finding these homeless pets a home and family!!!

  5. Look at her beautiful beautiful face,she is stunning! Once again until our law makers and the judicial system start taking a hard stance against this horror,on and on it will continue!! In fact I place the MOST blame on our law makers and the judicial system the continually condone,enable and protect these brutal abusers with the denial of strong laws and the zero punishment meted out when they are caught and charged!!! And the fact that government REFUSES to outlaw puppy mills is idiotic and insanity in its highest form! All that puppy mills do are LEGALLY torture dogs for money and add to the immense over population of dogs and all the horrors that go along with it! It’s simply appalling that this country kills 4 million dogs yearly and refuses to sit down and work on solutions to this horrible problem,it’s easier to just kill millions of dogs yearly for being homeless! I also feel humanity has created this problem with dogs and humanity needs to fix it!! Every single American citizen should be outraged and every single American citizen is complicit in this nightmare by not DEMANDING change within our lawmaking and courts! People KNOW it exists but most do not realize the extent and depth of it because they don’t want hear the horrid details!!! Society just goes along with this nightmare right along with our law makers and court system!! Owning a dog should be a privilege not a right!! THANK YOU THANK YOU RESCUE DOGS ROCK NYC!!!!!!

  6. HORRIFIC!!! Tinsley is SO LUCKY RESCUE DOGS ROCK NYC stepped into her life. She wouldn’t have had a “snowball’s IN HELL ie TEXAS otherwise!!!

  7. I agree with Red. Not being a US citizen and not knowing much about the American legal system, my query:- Is there law against backyard breeding and if yes, is it implemented? I realize it is difficult to monitor the sheer volume of this kind of abuse. A big thank you to Rescue Dogs NY for the help they provide these poor dogs. It is very upsetting. I gave a small donation to Rescue Dogs for Tinsley, poor love.

    • Unfortunately the laws for cruelty to animals is a very minimal of fines community service and A hand ful people go to jail ! Unless we The people get The people that we have elected on board for harsher punishments with real felony prison time ! This will continue to so many beautiful animals ! Call your congress man and women! Go to city meetings ! Help change the laws !
      Thank you NYC rescue and to all the other wonderful rescues !!

  8. I think its awful what people do to these dogs, they are loving pets, i think people that treat them this way should have stronger punishments put on them or maybe they should just be tied out back and treated the same way they treated he poor animals.

  9. I just don’t understand how a human being can do this to an innocent animal .i hate humans more and more EVERYTIME I see this shit ! Gods intention to put them on this earth isnt putting them through this treatment ! Money is more important to some people then others !????????????????????????????????????????


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