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General Pets

Heartbroken traveler searches everyday for lost cat at LAX airport

When a lonely woman from Rome looked forward to beginning her new life in Costa Rica, an...

Dozens of dog beds donated to lonely and sad shelter dogs

If you could ever could join me as I walk down the aisles of animal shelters, like...

K-9 tracking team search Pinelands for 87-year-old woman’s lost cat

Deep in the Pinelands of New Jersey, a four-year-old cat is still missing and military officials are...

Adoptable 5-year-old Lab faces death because shelters are full

Jazzy is everything good you hear about Labrador retrievers; her kindness even shows in her eyes. Tragically...

Senior Lab who served her owner faithfully as hunting dog lies heartbroken in high kill shelter

For all of her 12-years, Cammy served her master with loyalty and love. Trained as a hunting...

Storing dry pet food and making sure it’s safe

Our four-legged friends  are often thought of as part of our families, and of course we want...

Tiny dog rescued from 121 degree vehicle

A Pomeranian was rescued from a hot car with temperatures recorded at 121 degrees on Thursday, after...

Owner orders 6-year-old shepherd euth’ed as dog cries and tries to follow family

UPDATE: Macadoodle has been adopted and is settling in with his new family. Many thanks to everyone...

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