Dog neglected for 7 years chained to a wall in a warehouse finally freed

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A Smithtown, New York rescue knows no state lines when it comes to saving man’s best friend. When the non profit organization, Guardians of Rescue were told about Tito, a dog chained to a wall in a New Jersey warehouse that had been neglected and  living in filthy conditions since he was a puppy, his situation quickly escalated to a top priority.tito GOR

According to the organization’s Facebook page, Tito’s condition was even worse than first reported. Rescue efforts immediately commenced:

“Tito’s voice was Jazzy, a dedicated, experienced animal rescuer, who worked hard to try and get him from the people who had him. She contacted several organizations for help, to no avail, and even went into the unsafe area where Tito was living, putting her safety on the line, in a constant effort to get the poor dog rescued from his horrible life.Tito GOR3

When The Guardians were contacted, we swiftly put into action a plan to get Tito rescued and get immediate medical attention by Dr. Moose, who was on site, and ready to help and is currently caring for Tito.”

The Dogo Argentino was at least 35 pounds underweight and had been used for breeding. He had been fed only kibble, which with his badly infected teeth and ear infections, made it difficult and extremely painful for him to eat. Despite the neglect and pain however Tito endured, volunteers described the dog as gentle, forgiving and loving to everyone.tito 4 GOR

“He knew nothing of how things should be — his life was in a building, only knowing suffering and misery. Today, because people cared, this dog’s life is no longer sad, but instead, Tito is getting the love and care he has never had. Tito now can know great adventures, and have a home to call his own – where this awesome dog can finally play and roam. His past is gone, his future bright, because The Guardians take a stand and set things right. Tito has been freed.”

Tito is currently being fostered, but is expected to be eligible for adoption soon. Check out the organization’s website here. Donations to help save more dogs just like Tito can be made here. Read about Bear – another great freedom story by Guardians of Rescue.

(Photos and video of Tito chained to a wall courtesy of Guardians of Rescue)

Watch Tito’s initial health check. Notice how he shows his gratitude at the end.

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  1. OK…. you know who had him, GO AFTER THEM!! MAKE THEM PAY FOR THIS LONG, horrible abuse!! Rescue is fantastic….. but people need to be held responsible and accountable for their heinous acts!

  2. So glad these Angels rescued Tito. How sad he was treated like this for so many years! I hope he finds a loving family to live out the rest of his years!


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