Man arrested in case of three month old puppy suffering from severe trauma and broken legs

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In Hagerstown, Maryland, a 13-week-old puppy is expected to undergo surgery on Friday after having allegedly received “devastating injuries” at the hands of a local man. The Humane Society of Washington County reports the puppy remains in stable condition at Mountain View Animal Emergency, however her prognosis remains guarded.

On Tuesday, Washington County deputies and humane society officers responded to a report from the animal hospital about a suspected animal abuse situation. A woman had contacted the animal hospital because her puppy had been non responsive after she arrived home. The woman and her boyfriend brought the puppy to the emergency veterinarian where x-rays were performed. During the examination, the puppy suffered cardiac arrest, but was able to be resuscitated.

During the exam, it was noted the puppy had suffered severe trauma to her head and two broken legs; reports from the hospital indicated the injuries were consistent with blunt force trauma. The head veterinarian at the hospital also stated that the puppy’s injuries were consistent with dogs struck by vehicles, and it would have to have been extreme force to ultimately cause such horrific injuries.

Michael W. Snyder, 24, has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty. He was originally held without bail at the Washington County Detention Center, but was released the next day on recognizance with special conditions; he must stay at his mother’s home and not be in the presence of any animals. Any dogs currently at his mother’s home are to be kept some place else.

According to public court records, Snyder’s girlfriend told officers that Snyder had admitted on the way to the hospital that he had hit the dog because the puppy had defecated near his son’s play area. Snyder allegedly claimed he “began to discipline the puppy by pushing her nose into the feces and struck her on the rear while doing so.” He supposedly admitted to his girlfriend that he had hit the dog “too hard” and that he didn’t do it maliciously, but instead to discipline the pup.

The couple’s baby is under two-years of age, and the two have lived together for four years. The girlfriend has not been charged. She has since surrendered the puppy to the humane society.

The puppy was then left for more than five hours without treatment until the girlfriend came home and found the puppy unresponsive.

The puppy’s treatment will include multiple surgeries:

We want to thank the community for their outpouring of support for the innocent puppy who was severely injured Tuesday night. Her health is continuing to be closely monitored. After consulting with multiple orthopedic specialists, we have scheduled surgery to repair her leg fractures. We anticipate a lengthy recovery but will post updates on the shelter’s Facebook page. HSWC’s Field Services team is also working hard on her case. We assure you that seeking justice is our top priority and will keep you posted as the case progresses.

Thank you also to those who have offered to help by fostering. We have already secured foster care for the puppy during her recovery, but if you’re interested in joining our Foster Care Program so that you are ready to help future case animals in need, please go to to get started.


If found guilty of all charges, Snyder could face up to three years of prison.

Veterinarian care is expected to cost over $10,000. The puppy will also need physical therapy. Donations can be made by clicking here.

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  1. Classic abuser……. I would take my baby and leave ASAP……. No forwarding information, no contacts……. If that POS would harm a helpless puppy, he would easily do the same to me or my baby.


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