Injured stray tried to be invisible from the world while he struggled to stay alive

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An injured dog wandering in the fields of rural Houston lived in a bush trying to be invisible to the world. Everyday he struggled to find food and stay alive; his leg hurt so badly he could not put any weight on it yet he needed to scavenge around the area. Little more than skin and bones, open wounds on his face – and obviously in pain, this stray dog’s days were obviously numbered.

ThisIsHouston was notified in the morning about the injured dog, and although there had been no foster homes available because of weather conditions, the organization would not leave a hurt dog suffering on the streets.

A rescuer went out to the job site where the dog was spotted and heard him barking. She found him and took him to BARC shelter where he would be protected, cared for and fed. The dog was described as incredibly sweet and the shelter agreed.

“We weren’t going to let his journey end at the shelter, but we were waiting to see if any other group stepped up. All stray dogs surrendered to BARC are put on a 3 day stray hold. However, we ended up tagging him on day 1; many thanks to our amazing foster who offered her home to him. Because he was so injured, we were able to get him out the same day and he’s currently with our surgeon. We will update on him again soon!
Welcome to your new life, Bandit  and many thanks to Norma for rescuing this sweet boy!”
Catch Bandit’s short video as he was being rescued (Scroll down to view)
Updates to follow. Meanwhile Bandit needs donations to help:


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