Social outrage as live puppies used as prizes in arcade grabber game

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Animal activists erupted in social outrage after a video surfaced this week online showing live puppies seemingly being used a prizes in an arcade grabber game. Instead of scooping out stuffed animals with metal claws, terrified fluffy white puppies had been placed inside of the machine and were being “grabbed” as prizes.

According to The Sun, it is not clear where the video had been filmed, but experts suggest it happened either in Japan or China. Last year, a similar video emerged – that time using kittens inside of the machine as the claw grabber lunged down on the scared animals sitting inside of plastic buckets.

The footage showed a man collecting one of the puppies, although it is not clear the puppy was meant to be the “prize.” Biologist David Schneider shared the video stating some of the puppies were indeed real. People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals has urged Chinese authorities to investigate the apparent animal cruelty.

“Live animals – including lobsters, turtles and crabs are commonly sold in claw machines across China. They can easily be hurt by being repeatedly dropped, and some have been left to endure a painful death from dehydration or starvation,” PETA stated.

Everyone waits for answers.

(Photos of puppies inside arcade grabber game via Twitter David Schneider)

The video can be viewed at this link. Please copy and paste. 

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  1. Is anyone surprised at the lack of compassion for animals coming from these countries? I’m not, and I doubt anything will ever be done about it!


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