Three men accused of 1,460 counts of having sex with dogs, horses, cow and goat

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In Munson, Pennsylvania, a shocking discovery was made on Saturday as three men have been accused of 1,460 counts of allegedly having sex with dogs, horses, a cow and a goat. The men also face multiple charges of animal cruelty, endangering the welfare of children and the corruption of minors.

According to CbsNewsPittsburgh,  Terry Wallace, 41, Marc Measnikoff, 34, and Matthew Brubaker, 32, have been arrested. While serving a search warrant, police found a large volume of homemade videos. The Clearfield County District Attorney’s Office stated a 16-year-old boy living on the property at Mouse Lane told state police the men were all having sex with animals. The men used a V-shaped pen to trap the animals in order to have sexual intercourse.

The teen is currently in protective custody. The State Police and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are caring for the animals and preparing to move them to a safe place.

The men are scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday. The investigation continues.

(Photos of men accused of having sex with dogs, horses et al via Clearfield County District Attorney’s Office)

Follow more animal related news on the National Pet Rescue.

In the news yesterday: Heartbreaking news about starved dog found in parking lot – more here.

The cutest video you’ll see this week! Adorable otter has to cuddle her stuff in order to go to sleep – watch here.

Sweet kitten says thank you for being rescued – check out the video here.



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  1. These 3 should be fucken shot along with the rest of the population that do this to animals!!!
    What now they are going to jail and get 3 meals a day and a bed to sleep in NO FUCKEN WAY!!!
    There needs 3 holes dug one for each of them period!!!

  2. I hope they castrate these vile creatures. They preyed on the innocent for their own pleasure and need to be put away permanently locked away in a cage together. I hope the animals will be treated for the injuries they obviously sustained and find loving homes. What is happening in this world that make these people so crazy?No explanation for any of this.

  3. what sick mentalities. What does their family think of them? In prison, fellow inmates can give them a taste of their own—-for 1,460 times. Do hope those poor animals get proper care and loving homes with decent people. Some one will want to profit and sell those animals as meat. Watch it.

  4. What a trio of disgusting FREAKS!!!! Here’s what you do: CASTRATE all 3 … Remove their balls/peckers
    Throw them in a prison and let the other prisoners do to them what they did to those animals

  5. They better check the children. You know if these sorry bastard will fucker the animals what on earth will they do to the kids.

  6. The demons really are living among us, WOW. I want to puke this is an everyday occurrence. How these low life humans are torturing, abusing animals and think they more than likely abuse humans as well. People like this are major threat to humanity.

  7. Now let’s see..maybe the wall should be built where most of these fun bunch live. Oh am stereotyping. Yea I know because that’s what most ignorant whites do

  8. If you eat meat and dairy. This is what happens in the meat and dairy industries. There you think they got the V- pen from. That you pay for. Like them you all are guilty too.
    The innocent animals ur paying for them to be horrific gruesome living conditions to slaughter. Like rape besting and etc. So go vegan.

    There are documentaries movies go watch Earthlings for one. and read the book called Slaughterhouse the shocking story of greed neglect anf inhuman treatment inside the Us meat industry. By Gail Elseitz.


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