Still critical: Update on ‘Legend’ at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC

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It remains unclear what set off a violent encounter between three family dogs in a Greenville County, South Carolina backyard on Wednesday afternoon, but no one could break up the fight until Animal Control arrived. Tragically two-year-old Legend suffered life-threatening injuries; his owner an elderly woman, was not able to help.

The Basset hound and Labrador retriever mix continues to fight for his life. Brought into the animal shelter in shock, both ears ripped off and his front left leg not able to move, Jackie Sullivan, co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC  acted immediately when  notified. Because of his grievous injuries, had the rescue group not responded immediately, Legend would have been humanely euthanized.

And Legend continues to fight although his condition is still listed as critical. Thursday evening’s update indicates how this dog is fighting so hard to live and those caring for him are going beyond the call:

“Legend is about the same & still critical. They turn his body every 4 hours. His wounds are oozing which they say is good. He remains on the strongest pain meds & antibiotics. Legend is fighting for his life & he deserves to live. He’s 2 years old & has his entire life ahead of him. He deserves to walk out of this hospital.”

 [email protected] to help with Legend’s medical needs.

Read the earlier report about Legend here.

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  1. Father God I lift up Legend to you. Lord you are the Great Physician. I pray in the name of Jesus for Legend to have a sudden miracle and respond toward healing. I pray for strength and for healing to manifest through his body.

  2. I have a real concern about the dogs that attacked Legend – it is obvious this elderly woman should not have three dogs if she is unable to handle them – why was Legend attacked? This post is too vague to determine what the problems were – Legend will hopefully recover but will never be the same – I am suspicious as to exactly what went on in this home – and why this was allowed to happen. There is much more to this story than is being posted.


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