Again: Police break window to save a puppy in hot car

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Near Pensacola, Florida a deputy and his trainee broke the window of a hot car on Saturday afternoon to rescue a puppy locked inside. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office described how the puppy was in danger of dying from the heat as outside temperatures registered 92 degrees.

 “The driver of the vehicle could not be located and the puppy was squealing, panting heavily, and in distress. Due to the continued state of panic and distress of the puppy, Deputy Matheny broke the driver’s side window to rescue the pup. DST Waters gave the dog water and placed her in a cool patrol car until Animal Control arrived and took custody.” the department posted on their Facebook page.

The owner of the puppy, William Sparkman, 25, was located and charged with animal cruelty. He was taken to the Escambia County Jail and released later that day on a $1,000 bond.

Heat related deaths are preventable. Make sure to check your vehicle before leaving. Let pets stay at home during the summer where it is cool and they are safe.

(Photos of puppy rescued from hot car courtesy of Escambia County Sheriff’s Office)

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Zookeeper who boiled cats to make wine fatally mauled by tiger – read more here.


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  1. OMG!!!! what a tiny little one:::: I COMMEND the OFFICERS & HERO”s of this little “TROOPER”” for lack of a name!!! What a positively ROTTEN MAGGOT that left the little dog to ROAST TO DEATH!!! He should be put in a ZERO RATED THERMAL ARTIC SKI SUIT and put in a SAUNA for about 45 minutes at 105 degrees!!! of course no WATER !!! Let this BASTARD SUFFER A LITTLE!!!

  2. Do not give that pup back to this idiot. Lives in Florida and doesn’t realize that leaving a pup in a hot car could possibly kill him? He has no brains and therefore should never have another pet or children for that matter. Would he leave an infant in the car alone? Probably.

  3. Thank goodness this precious little treasure is safe!!!!!

    What a dumb POS to leave her in a hot car…… I don’t take our furbabies out unless it’s necessary…… they are much happier at home (beds, food & water are all available @ all times)……

  4. Animal abusers should be put on a registry so that adoption places have access to this knowledge. I am glad this puppy was rescued Thank you ???? Police

  5. That absolutely adorable little pup needs a better owner. I hope that bonehead that left him in the car to cook does not get him back.

  6. Another example of a so called ‘human’ whose brain power is that of a doorknob. To leave ANY living being in a car and walk away proves total incompetence – and way too many people are in this category. If not for these officers and their diligence this little one would have surely died – and this hunk of maggot shit, William Sparkman, proved he is a waste of space – and should be treated as such.

  7. $1000 bond, that’s it? He’ll probably get a slap on the wrist and get his puppy back too. Keeping my fingers crossed that the judge does not give the pup back to him! Of course, he’ll probably just go out and get another one!


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