Puppy tossed out of car in front of Detroit Dog Rescue

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Authorities and rescuers in Detroit, Michigan, are asking for the public’s help identifying the men seen on surveillance video pulling up in a SUV and within moments pushing a defenseless puppy out of their vehicle and leaving. The disturbing event occurred on Friday, outside of the Detroit Dog Rescue located on the corner of Harper and Somerset, on the city’s east side. Fortunately an employee of the rescue spotted the puppy before he could run out into traffic and get injured or killed.

“They didn’t even bother to knock on our door. Instead they simply pushed the dog out of the car and sped off leaving Mickey alone, confused and almost wandering into the busy traffic on Harper Avenue.”

According to the Detroit Dog Rescue’s Facebook page, the puppy has been dubbed Mickey; he is underweight and in generally poor health. Mickey’s ribs are protruding, and he has a bite and an abscess on one side described the rescue organization’s Kristina Rinaldi.

“When you have these animals that are roaming the neighborhood they are in danger and again it’s a public safety hazard,” Kristina told Fox News.

The rescue has offered a $2,500 reward for information leading to the identification and prosecution of the two men seen in the video responsible for abandoning Mickey. Let’s face it – there’s a right way and a wrong way to surrender a pet – and the wrong way is tossing them out into the street. Animal abandonment is a crime and punishable by a $1,000 fine and 93 days in jail. Anyone with information is asked to call 313-458-8014.

“We would like to thank Detroit Animal Care and Control for helping us with this case. The vehicle has been described as a burnt orange SUV. This is our 8th animal abandonment case today and DDR is caring for all the animals. We are asking for your assistance. If you can, please help by donating to DetroitDogRescue.com/donate.”

Dumped! All of these babies were dumped at animal control’s doorstep in the middle of the night.  (another litter dumped by an unknown irresponsible owner)They need help. At this time they are barely able to eat on their own and need help with vet care. Please help.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.





Video: Do you recognize these men or this vehicle?






























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  1. What a heartbreaking video. So sorry Mickey your owners failed you, however, you’re in a safe place. Would like to know what these POS’s were up to before heading back to the car and dumping Mickey.

  2. OMG! How I wish I had the ability to exterminate the vermin that abuse,torture,neglect,abandon and kill innocent dogs and cats! I know it’s not good to want these abusers to eat shit and die but I just can’t seem to change how I feel regarding this horror! All I can do is ask for Gods forgiveness,it’s something I don’t think I will ever be able to change! I’m so,so very thankfull for all the wonderful rescues we have out there! Poor Mickey and poor innocent puppies! If only our lawmakers and the judicial system would see how wrong and egregious these crimes are and start taking a hard stance against this who do this,with stiff fines and mandatory jail time. Until that happens this will continue to grow with every passing year. Praying for Mickey and the puppies!

  3. Well ONE thing for SURE these are some of DETROIT”S “PRIDE & JOY KIND OF “PEOPLE”!!!! NOT the POS Bastards need to go down in a Drive By!!!

  4. OMG what a Heart Less person who also has No Mind Or a consciouse to do this to innocent animal Why bother having Animals if they cant take care of them. its sickning to what idiots do. what if that were a child a human being probobly would do it a child thay have no mind animals abusers and they are cowords…….

  5. Ah yes, Detroit, the home of dog killing cops, judges that say if a dog isn’t licensed they are “contraband” and now thugs dumping puppies out on the street! Even if they find the POS’s that abandoned this poor dog, I’m sure the dog hasn’t had it’s shots or is licensed so it will be labeled “contraband” so what would they do about it, issue an appearance ticket where a judge will dismiss the case and may be fine them or give them community service? SMH!

  6. At least they didn’t throw the puppy out of the moving vehicle! To be surprised by what humans do is laughable! Time and again humans have shown they are not fans of animals! To those who rescue them you should be immune to crimes committed against animals! I haven’t been surprised by anything humans do to animals since I was 17


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