26 dogs stolen from heartbroken owners saved from being boiled alive and eaten

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Dozens of dogs between three-months and eight-years of age were rescued from being boiled alive and eaten on Monday night after they were heard whining and crying for help. Police and animal activists were alerted to three northeastern warehouses in Meghalaya, India where the dogs were discovered tied inside bags with their mouths and legs tightly bound with rope. 

The rescue effort began when an animal advocate witnessed three dogs being pushed into the trunk of a car and posted the photos on social media. The pictures soon went viral, and authorities quickly caught up with the driver. After intense questioning, 26 dogs were found in three different warehouses including the three dogs found in the back of the vehicle. The driver of the car said he had been paid to carry different bags and drop them off at warehouses; the man claimed he had no idea there were dogs inside of the bags.

The women who had hired the driver and the driver were arrested, but soon bailed out of jail. Authorities are pursuing additional charges.

A description by one volunteer how the dogs were found was heartbreaking:

“The dogs were brutally packed in gunny bags and tied with ropes so tightly that it took me at least 20 minutes to cut each one of them off. But by the time I reached the fifth dog, I had given up because I was worried for the health of other dogs. The dogs were scared and howling and whining. The look of fear in their eyes was devastating. It took me some time to comfort them. Their limbs were tied and mouth was shut so they couldn’t bark. The movement was restricted and they sat helpless.”

According to the Sun, the dogs had been stolen from their owners or found wandering the streets in the open market areas. In India, dogs are alive when placed into boiling water at markets until their skin and fur peels off. Then their meat is sold by the pound.

When found, the rescued dogs were severely dehydrated, frightened and disoriented. They have been transported to Just Be Friendly where they have been vaccinated, fed and cared for while recuperating from the egregious experience. Dr. Shashanka Dutta, founder and veterinarian for the non-profit organization, stated the dogs were badly traumatized, but volunteers and staff were doing everything possible to comfort them. Fifteen of the dogs have already been adopted locally or returned to their owners; all of the pets reported to be  well-behaved and friendly.

In India, the consumption of dog meat is illegal, but in the northeastern areas of Mizoram and Nagaland, hundreds of dogs are still killed for their meat; some local people believing the meat is high in nutrition and contains medicinal benefits. The area is known for its cultural differences and diverse traditions, languages and tribes. Stray dogs are not often seen in the area; it is believed the people keep their dogs until they are old and then eat them. 

The only way to change the brutal murder of these dogs, according to Dr. Dutta, is to provide education and social awareness.

(Photos of dogs rescued from being boiled alive via screenshots from  Caters, Just Be Friendly and Facebook)

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Check out the rescue of these dogs on video:




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    • I agree with you. I hope they all burn in Hell forever for their cruelty…… I also hope that these POS’s all die terrible, agonizing deaths alone and afraid……


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