15 cool cops come to the aid of stray dog with his head stuck in a pot

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Fifteen cool cops came to the aid of a little stray dog who had gotten his head stuck in a plastic matka (pot) in Bengaluru, India on Saturday. Since then the good deed has gone viral, and the kindhearted policemen are being lauded across the world.

According to the India Express,  the Bengaluru Police Karnataka Special Reserve posted photos of the men helping the frightened pooch on Twitter. The stray tried to push his head out of the plastic matka, but it took a team to help him, posted IPS Officer Abhishek Goyal. Photos and the story continued online:

“Just heard a lot of commotion in KSRP Reserve Line. Around 15 policemen were trying to rescue a stray dog who had managed to get his head stuck in a matka. First a cut was made to breathe. Then rescued. Could not click the final pic as the poor scared soul ran away asap.”

The tweet created a buzz on the micro-blogging site and Tweeple went wild with the compassion shown to a tiny dog who had no one.

Appreciable act…Reminds us of the condition of a few corrupt people who get caught in self-created complications and later are uunable to extricate themselves out of the complications that arise from their own faulty thinking pattern…complicated society 🙂

Compassion and always there to help any soul defines these hero’s in uniform! Inspiring as Always! Proud of you all. _/\_

Great job officers. You have won our hearts. If only more people could be as kind to those who cannot speak.
(Photo of cool cops coming to the aid of a stray pup via Twitter)

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Born without his paw, but destined for great things – read all about Furgus!

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  1. Nice to know that there are some police officers who have no problem aiding an animal in distress – but what happened to this dog? He deserves to be in a shelter, not on the streets.


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