Starved dog rescued from junkyard found with rocks in his stomach begins recovery

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In Las Vegas, a 12-year-old pup now named Anikan by the rescue organization who rescued him from a junkyard late last week, barely weighed 33 pounds and his belly was full of rocks he ate to survive. The Vegas Pet Rescue Project stepped forward to help.

Anikan’s story of rescue began here:

URGENT RESCUE 💔We are taking this guy to our vet for immediate diagnostics and treatment. He was caught yesterday after living outside for approximately a month roaming around a junkyard property. He is skin and bones and has a big swollen belly. He also has terrible diarrhea. We will find out if he is obstructed from eating whatever he could find or what exactly is going on. Poor kiddo is safe now.

Vegas Pet Rescue Project

Anikan was transported to the Spencer Springs Animal Hospital where x-rays confirmed he had countless rocks in his intestines and colon. He has no teeth left from chewing on the rocks, and was trying to satisfy his hunger pains in anyway he could. At the hospital, the dog was hooked up to fluids to flush out what they could and hoped there would be no critical obstruction.

“So he has been on IV fluids and many other medications since he’s been there and x-rays were done bloodwork was done still it looks like he’s starting to pass everything… he’s got three big rocks and a bunch of small pebbles but they’ve all moved from his intestines into his colon. So dr. WEATHERTON is very optimistic that everything will pass through and we’re so grateful that he has round the clock care just in case something did come up. His anemia is now more on the mild side they are treating his chronic diarrhea and he is eating small amounts so we are very hopeful we think he is going to pull through out of this without surgery. Fingers crossed!”

Vegas Pet Rescue Project

What makes this case even sadder, however is that in October Anikan had been a healthy 65-pound pooch who had been fostered out by The Animal Foundation. That person has not come forward, but it is worrisome that at the time Anikan had been fostered, he still had not been neutered.

This is what Anikan looked like in October 2021.

Anikan’s recovery will be a long one, but his rescuers are hoping to rebuild his confidence and health.

We will check back and report on his progress.

To donate to help Anikan, please click here.

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