Dog rushed to emergency surgery after owners failed to protect their dog from vicious attack

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In a rural Texas shelter, a young dog had been surrendered by his owner after what had been referred to as a “vicious dog fight.” Tragically, the dog’s owner apparently did nothing to protect his dog, as the friendly pup reportedly just sat there and “took it” while the other dog tried to kill him.

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC jumped in after a plea for help. The shelter was not able to provide the kind of veterinarian help the dog would need. His condition was listed as critical, and his eye was badly damaged. Although the shelter had assessed the dog as a senior, the pup, now dubbed Donut, is believed to be no more than three-years-old and because of severe neglect – his teeth are in poor condition.

This was his video before leaving the shelter:

(Copy and paste the url into your browser to view)

Donut underwent surgery over the weekend to remove his eye. He will need extended care.

“Today, Donut is getting some fresh air post surgery and has made friends with the resident cat,” Stacey Silverstein, co-founder of the non profit rescue organization posted on social media.
“Under the circumstances, he is doing better than expected . Yes Donut has lost his right eye but his life was saved and we know his future is bright.

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Such a sweet parrot!

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  1. And to think some senator from Texas just stated as part of his campaign that he wants to make ALL of America JUST LIKE Texas. What in the fucking hell makes this FREAK think that other ANIMAL LOVING, NOT animal TORTURING, states would want ANYTHING to do with the SADISTIC BEHAVIOR put on DISPLAY by YOUR NAZI pukes? The ass wipe who ALLOWED this dog to be BRUTALLY mauled is NOT what most Americans are like, NOR do MOST Americans aspire to be like ANY Texan scumbag. TEXANS pollute, poison, beat, rape, starve, and murder ANYONE who disagrees with their destructive agenda as being a fucking socialist. Just because we want to protect OUR life sustaining resources, OUR children, OUR pets, and OUR roadways, WE are the ENEMY to ALL in Texas. They’ve said as much REPEATEDLY. Just look at their AG TRYING to take away OUR votes via the Supreme Court. I wish God would take Texas in to the ocean with a MAJOR hurricane, as it WOULD eliminate 25% of all pollution released in this country. That’s NOT a made up number by the way, that’s from NOAA and NASA from what they’ve captured from space shots SHOWING the MASSIVE PLUMES of poison coming from TEXAS. THAT’S how much I want to be like Texas.


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