Stray dog wandered into vet clinic and puts sore foot forward asking for help

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In Ceara, Brazil, a stray dog wandered into a veterinarian clinic called Clinica Vet Vip. The pup slowly made his way inside of the clinic, and veterinarian Dr. Dayse Ferreira da Silva had been near the door and immediately went over to him noticing the dog had painfully limped into the office.

As Dr. da Silva walked towards the examination room, the dog followed. As he limped in and sat motionless except for his wagging tail, the dog gave her his paw, and the kind veterinarian detected an ingrown nail. Further tests, however revealed the dog had a tumor near his genital area which turned out to be cancerous. The venereal tumor is quite common to stray dogs and is also very contagious.

“Dr. Ferreira da Silva is raising funds to pay for surgery so that the tumor can be removed to give the dog back full use of his paw. As of this date, she has raised more than twice the amount necessary.”

According to the Clinicavetvip Instagram, the dog is currently undergoing chemotherapy  and is responding well. He has been named Quindim, and at least ten people have expressed an interest in adopting him.

Dr. da Silva tells us the dog is extremely intelligent, loves to play, loves affection and gets along with other animals.

Check out his video:

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