White House opens door to the dogs including rescued German shepherd

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The White House will soon to home to two German shepherds – one of them adopted from a shelter two years ago. For the past four years, there have been no pets during President Trump’s term, but the sound of paws will soon be heard pattering around the 132 rooms of the 228-year-old building.

The Biden family’s two dogs have different backgrounds. In 2008, Champ was purchased from a breeder and were highly criticized by animal advocates after the puppy was purchased from a puppy mill.  In 2010, Linda Brown, owner of Wolf Den Kennel in Spring City, Pennsylvania, her 2010 license was refused for violations of kennel laws. Violations included dirty kennels, dead rodents, chewed wood, food and water with debris, insufficient ventilation and lighting, and dogs in cages with fewer than six inches of headroom.

In 2018, the Bidens took another path to bring a dog into their family and adopted Major from the the Delaware Humane Association. Major had been one of several puppies in a litter surrendered to the shelter; they were all in poor physical condition. The Bidens originally intended to foster the puppy, but as has happened to so many foster parents – another foster failure and decided to adopt him.

There have been other dogs in the White House, and another poignant story of dog rescue occurred during Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency. His daughter rescued the family dog named Yuki from a Texas gas station on Thanksgiving in 1966. The little white crossbreed shared a close bond with President Johnson and personified how even a stray pup could find the American dream.

And even though Socks was a cat, the black and white kitty loved Chelsea Clinton and that spunky kitty made headlines in his own feline fashion.

And not to pass over a menagerie of pets in the White House during John F. Kennedy, came hamsters Debbie and Billie, a gray cat named Tom Kitten and a canary named Robin. It wasn’t long before ponies Macoroni and Tex, arrived for young Caroline and a Welsh terrier, Charley, German shepherd Clipper, cocker spaniel Shannon and Wolfhound named Wolf.

It is hoped, more families will be inclined to adopt a four-legged pal from a shelter. Save a life and fall in love. It’s all good, and one doesn’t have to take political sides on adopting a pet – frankly the dogs and cats don’t care nor do they vote. They just want to be loved.

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