Chinese tourists pelted crocodile with rocks to see if he was real

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Chinese tourists pelted a crocodile at the China-Africa Wildlife Zoo in Xiamen over the weekend with rocks until it bled to determine if the animal was real. The saltwater reptile is believed to be Asia’s largest crocodile and is currently being treated for injuries to his head and feet.

According to the South China Morning Post, the 37-year-old crocodile named “Xiao He” weighs 2,775 pounds and measures 19 feet in length. The croc eats 55-pounds of food daily. A family, visiting the exhibit, started to throw rocks at the reptile to “make it move.” When one of the larger rocks hit Xiao in the head causing it to bleed, the family left.

“Our crocodile was already bleeding when we arrived to investigate,” stated Xiao He’s caretaker, Zhang Xiang. “Then we saw the large rock nearby. We drained the water[from the pool] and began treating him. It’ll take another 10 days to half a month for him to recover.”

Xiang explained in the winter, crocodiles do not move around much and some visitors claim the exhibit is fake. Local police are looking for the suspects, but there is not an accurate closed circuit television camera to clearly identify the culprits. Some witnesses said it was a family of adults and children. Tourists at the scene tried to tell the family not to throw rocks, but they wouldn’t listen as they laughed and took photos.

Xiao He suffered from the rock and one of his paws was heavily scratched by other stones.

(Photos screenshots via Asian News)

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  1. Are they STUPID or just plain INSANE! I hope someday soon they will learn what it feels like to be pelted with rocks–starting with their HEADS!


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