Baby bald eagle returned to parents after Texas storm collapsed nest

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A baby bald eagle has been reunited with his parents after its nest collapsed during a severe storm in Austin, Texas this past week. The eaglet had been brought to the Austin Wildlife Rescue both dehydrated and hungry. It was “a first of its kind” for the rescue organization.

The eaglet baby, described as “very large” was given fluids and nourishment. The Good Samaritans who brought the eagle to the rescue told the staff they had spotted the parents who were still in the area. The following day, rescue staff met up with Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) Game Warden Thomsen to get the baby renested.

Staff members made a make-shift nest with a laundry basket and nesting materials and put it about 25-30 feet up in a tree next to the one the nest had been in; securing it with rope and zip ties.

Then the mighty taloned nugget was placed in a bag and pulled up safely to his new nest- he seemed very excited to be back up in the tree!


The landowners had continued to check on the nest to make sure the parents were returning to it. It is always best to be able to reunite babies with their parents- it is truly in their best interest. The organization is also grateful for the caring community who brings animals to them as well as TPWD for all of their support.

Well folks – the good news!

UPDATE: a parent has been seen multiple days at the new nest and caring for the baby!

The Eaglet Has Landed


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