Wild turkey lays 18 eggs and refuses to leave man’s yard

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A wild turkey waddled into a Staten Island, New York backyard one week ago and decided to make a home for her new family. She then proceeded to lay 18 eggs and defends her soon to be baby chicks aggressively from anyone or anything coming too close.

According to CbsNews, the owner of the property, located in the Duncan Hills section, wants to remove the eggs and the turkey, but despite his calls to 311 and the ASPCA, the wild turkey mom can’t be summarily evicted. Richard Gambardella will need a special permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in order to remove the mother and her eggs.

Although the turkey has not posed any threat to anyone, Gambardella complains she does use his yard as a bathroom, and he is worried she might harm someone.

It looks as though Gambardella however may get his wish. The DEC has dispatched a rescue group to move the turkey and her eggs to an animal sanctuary in the Catskills.

(Photos of wild turkey screenshot via CBS News)

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  1. I guess you don’t wanna mess with a wild Momma Turkey and her eggs. I hope they don’t harm her or the eggs when they try to remove her.

  2. Omg how about watching and enjoying the process of nature and Mom raising her clutch of babies! People are so impatient and disrespectful of wildlife!

    • I agree Donna. You would think that these folks should consider this a miracle rather than a hindrance. Let nature run its course. I would love to watch this in my yard anyday!! People are truly heartless nowadays????

  3. Let her have her babies in peace for C’ sakes!!!Leave her be and she will leave.when her little.ones can travel

  4. Glad this mother and her eggs are going to a sanctuary where they will be well taken care of. I am not familiar with a sanctuary in Catskills NY, but I am aware of Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, in NY. They will know they proper way to transport this turkey and her eggs.


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