Sometimes it’s not forever: Senior dog surrendered to shelter after 11 years

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After 11 years with her family, Pretty Girl had been surrendered to a shelter in Central Washington, but just in time, the quiet broken-hearted senior was pulled to safety by the Seattle Humane Shelter.

According to Brandon Macz, the social media specialist, along with the organization’s TikTok account, Pretty Girl had lost her home because of the ongoing stress she had been experiencing with a new baby in the house. Since the dog seemed to be very sensitive to loud noises, and since newborn babies cry a lot, Pretty Girl no longer had a role in the household, and then she was gone. And for the record, how would an animal shelter be any quieter for her?

It was time social media helped.

Check out the heartbreaking video clip of Pretty Girl not understanding what had happened to her and the sadness that enveloped the sensitive pup:

“Not everyone goes home forever.”

Pretty Girl’s heartbreaking video garnered more than 483,000 views. Surely someone would see the clip and fall in love? And yes, social media and the videos of Pretty Girl performed the magic they were intended.

Followers didn’t want to be kept hanging, and asked over and over again about Pretty Girl’s plight. And just two days ago, she left the building. An older couple’s application stood out among the many applicants; these sweet people had previously adopted dogs who needed to have some time to decompress and adjust.

Check out Pretty Girl getting ready to leave:

Pretty Girl was afraid to leave her shelter space, and her new mom offered her “a lift.” No kidding – our hearts are smiling.

Live your best life Pretty Girl. You give hope to the senior pets in shelters still waiting for someone to welcome them into their homes and their hearts.

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