Heartbreaking update on abandoned dog in Brownsville left in trash heap

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Just about a week ago, a story about an abandoned dog in Brownsville, Texas needing a miracle quickly went viral. The injured pup tried his best to hide from the pouring rain, the predatory animals and the never ending pains of hunger; he quietly hid beneath some old plastic tarps and a leaning, rotted door.

Sadly, there had been very little information about the dog except what was reported to rescuer Leslie Hennings, who used her social media page to try and find help and subsequent rescue. No one knew the extent of this dog’s injuries; the person who spotted the dog, took the photos and had been sharing the heartbreaking story to help find a rescuer(s) stating his legs looked “twisted.”

Follow up stories claimed the dog’s owner had found him, had been attending to the dog’s injuries and would be providing veterinary care. Other stories claimed the dog’s owner had abandoned the dog and left him by the trash in the alley.

Days later, the story of this poor dog’s life and the heartbreaking details of his last days have been revealed and are as follows:

it was thought he was abandoned by his owner out by the trash in the alley. No. He lived there. His owner had no idea he was there. His owner had no idea he was anywhere for days. He never even realized he was missing.

As told by Leslie Hennings

What the dog’s owner should have realized, however was his dog had been in the alley for two days in the pouring rain with severe injuries. And what the owner should have noticed was his dog had been in that same alley unable to move for those same two days.

And then he died.

the severe injuries that took his life today were so old that they had scarred over. Multiple injuries. Injuries that left him in so much pain that eventually left him unable to walk. To move. This dog put himself out by the trash. he was ready to leave his life, and today he has.

Leslie Hennings

As for who helped the dog after the “owner” came forward, was nothing more than the person who found the dog attempt to misguide everyone so as not to get the “owner in trouble.”

This poor dog died from a prolonged infections, and the person who picked up the dog had been scheduled to take the dog to a specialist for spinal injuries, but the dog never made it.

As for who helped in, after the “owner” came forward, everything went down. The finder attempted to misguide to not get the owner in trouble, though his name should be plastered everywhere as abuser. But now “they” are demanding an update on the dog they left to die in the alley. He’s dead. You succeeded. He died from prolonged infections that the person who picked him up tried to combat. He let go. He was scheduled for specialized care for his spinal injuries but he never made it. I will never understand where people demand answers. The answer is you left him in the alley for days with severe injuries, and one person came in to pick him up and get him medical care does not owe you a single explanation.

Leslie Hennings

There is no doubt that life is harsh for these dogs in rural areas where they are too often abandoned, sick and/or injured. Their owners don’t come to the aid of these sentient beings and brush off the responsibility of a precious life to someone else. We must hold these neglectful owners responsible for letting a dog suffer like this. We must help to make animal cruelty laws stronger, and we must continue to be the voices for those who cannot speak.

Rest in peace pup – we don’t even know your name, and we are so sorry that humans failed you.

Read the original story here.

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Can you sort all of this out?
Talking puppy

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  1. Strong laws against animal cruelty in TEXAS!?! It will NEVER happen. Texan white males REFUSE to protect their OWN WIVES AND CHILDREN, why in the world do you think they’d care about animals? They are FORCING women to carry DEAD FETUSES!

    • It isn’t the white males lol Its the illegals coming over the border. Voting as consequences. But nice try. These communities are Hispanic and it isn’t in their culture to take care of dogs and treat them well like white people. All you have to do is visit a third world country to see it isn’t whites committing animal abuse and neglect. Yet another reason to close the border. And this Lesley Hennings is a known dog trafficker just look her up. Big surprise she’s Hispanic an exploits dogs and libs while she shakes them down for money with her sob stories like she cares about the dogs, always asks for donations and has go fund me set up for fraudulent scams, she says she doesn’t even like dogs. Well that is obvious, Lesley. Her 501 was revoked and she condones illegals scamming the IRS as she does it too. She got her 501 revoked because she’s crammed dogs in transport vans for greed and has had many rollovers in these transport vans with tiny puppies and at least 110 dogs crammed into a van. Everything she does is illegal as she smuggles dogs over the border from Mexico and takes them all the way up to Canada it is a whole ring of dog traffickers. We need better quality people taking care of these dogs and we need to close the border we have enough strays running around we don’t need Mexico’s dogs too for these scuzzy “rescues” to panhandle and trade these dogs like they’re pieces of furniture. These poor dogs in south Texas are being vultured on and abused and murdered by these types and the corrupt shelters, these dogs don’t have a chance and it makes me sick!


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