Heartbreaking: Pup who has known nothing but pain and neglect rescued moments before being euthanized

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Chewy was just minutes away from being euthanized at a Miami shelter when 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida stepped in on Saturday morning. Animal advocates had been following Chewy’s story and networked on social media to find a rescue organization who would help.

When 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida pulled Chewy in the nick of time, it was very obvious the dog had known nothing but pain, neglect and suffering; his rescuers had no idea what they would be facing.

when we commit to saving a life, we keep our promise and we do everything in our power to give them the best chance & the best quality of a life without anymore pain or suffering.


Chewy had to be rushed to a 24-hour emergency hospital multiple times. Veterinarians diagnosed him missing all the bones in his jaw due to an infection that his owner left untreated. His teeth are rotting out of his mouth. His nose and nasal cavities are displaced due to the infection.

Veterinarians had to insert a feeding tube into Chewy’s stomach to build up his strength in order to be stable enough to undergo surgery. And all this time … Chewy has been nothing but love and sweetness. He deserves the chance to live his best life.

Now Chewy will be traveling to the west coast of the state to consult a specialist in order to prepare for surgery. He will then be brought back to the 24-hour emergency hospital to be monitored until his surgery is able to be performed.

The costs for Chewy’s surgery and care is estimated to be $5,000 to $7,000. More than $7,000 has already been spent on emergency care and consultations with specialists.

So please if you could find it in your heart to donate something to help us keep our promise to chewy we would be so very grateful. We would really appreciate all your love your prayers and your support. We cannot do this alone. We are one beautiful family, one beautiful village. Let’s do this for chewy please and thank you.


Check out his video:


Updates to follow.



If you prefer to mail your donation –

Mailing address is

100 Plus Animal Rescue Inc

17101 77th lane N Loxahatchee Florida 33470




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And our Ongoing Mission

Florida Department of Agriculture CH36663100 plus Animal Rescue Inc.

17101 77th lane N Loxahatchee Florida 33470

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