SPCA investigating social media video of man forcing cat to smoke a cigarette

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The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals initiated an investigation this week when an Instagram video clip showed a male teen seemingly forcing a lit cigarette into the mouth of a cat.

According to the @sudharshanann Instagram account, the 15-second clip shows the teen making a cat “smoke.” He found the cat perched on a deck area and tapped the cat to get its attention. He then pushed the filtered end of the cigarette towards the cat’s mouth, but the cat tried to move away after taking a quick sniff.

The teen then placed his hand on the cat to keep it from moving, and at the same time, using his other hand, forced the cigarette into the cat’s mouth. Fortunately, the cat was soon able to escape.

The disturbing incident was immediately reported to authorities, and the SPCA has classified the investigation as a “clear case of abuse.”

Animals should not be exposed to smoke as it can cause serious inflammation of their trachea and respiratory tract possibly resulting in suffocation or death.

According to Yahoo News Singapore, SPCA executive director Aarthi Sankar, confirmed the investigation after having received the information this week.



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