Bear crashes birthday party in Connecticut and steals cupcakes

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A Connecticut family had quite the surprise over the weekend after a black bear sauntered out of the woods and headed straight for the cupcakes. The backyard celebration had been a birthday party for their two-year-old son at their West Hartford home.

According to the homeowners, Rauf and Laura Majidian’s video captured the bear raiding a table of cupcakes and other assorted sweet treats. Now this is a bear with a sweet tooth – no doubt! And before he decided to leave and slowly walk back towards the woods and maybe his own home, he had consumed quite a few of the cupcakes. Is it no surprise he didn’t bother to catch a drink from one of the juice boxes or snatch a slice of bread?

When the parents spotted the bear, they and the other parents attending the backyard party, herded the children safely out of the area and indoors. It seems as if the loud noises and the shouting from the adults towards the bear did nothing to scare him off.

Black bears generally stay away from humans, but they do have an acute sense of smell and hearing. Bears are well known to invade campsites, and frequently eat from open trash cans and food scraps including bird seed left out by humans.

It’s not the first time the family has spotted bears. Please everyone – make sure garbage cans are well sealed, and don’t leave food outdoors. Make the bears find their own food in the forests where they belong. If we don’t take care not to encourage the bears coming to homes, it will end up with the bears being killed as they become dangers to humans and labeled as nuisances.

Let’s learn to live with our bears and let them have full lives too.

Check out the video the couple recorded:

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