Suffering stray pup roamed the area for years waiting for her owner to return

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Once upon a time Greta had an owner. For nearly 10-years, she roamed the streets of rural Texas and produced countless litters of puppies. She had been used as a canine money making machine by her owners who sold her puppies – but when Greta grew old and no longer could produce the lucrative litters, her owners abandoned her.
Video of her rescue beginning: (copy and paste the url into your browser to view)
Greta however always remained loyal, and she never strayed far from home waiting for her humans to come back for her. Of course, they no longer cared about their little dog, and Greta had to survive on her own. She ate rocks which wore down her teeth. She chewed on her body ridden with fleas, and her collar was so dirty and rusted it had become stuck on her – eventually needing to be cut off by her rescuers.
And just days ago,  an emaciated Greta was rescued by ThisIsHouston. Her bones protruded from her tiny body, but her rescuer cuddled Greta in her arms, and the little lost pup who tried so desperately to hide from life, remained incredibly sweet. She was rushed to  the organization’s partner veterinarian for a physical assessment.
Greta’s veterinarian examinations have revealed more tragic information; someone shot her multiple times with a pellet gun. Some pellets remains lodged in the left side of her chest behind her front leg. Radiographs revealed an old fracture as a result of more shots in her leg, and although the fracture is too old to repair now, in the future Greta might need surgery to amputate her front legs if her pain worsens.
“There are also sprays of metal in her. Her story just gets more tragic. She will likely need to be on pain management later as well. It’s no surprise that she is heartworm positive and she has entropion as well. This could resolve itself, but may likely need surgery. She’s been having awful diarrhea due to the garbage she’s been eating. She’s got a cauliflower ear from having so many hematomas in her life. This poor girl has been completely neglected and it’s not fair. If only we could turn back time and find her sooner so we could give her the life she’s deserved.”
Our hearts collectively break for this innocent victim of animal cruelty and neglect. We can do better. Be the voices for those who cannot speak. If you see something, say something.
To donate to Greta:
Venmo @ThisIsHouston

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  1. So why do people watch a dog go on like this and NOT do something. It sounds like she should have been rescued a long time ago. Shame on anyone who watcher her roam and didn’t help!


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