Orangutans and otters are friends and their story is charming

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At a Belgium zoo, caretakers shared some heartwarming photos of a growing friendship between a family of orangutans and their neighbors – the otters. All the animals live together at the Pairi Daiza Zoo in Domaine du Cambron; the program has been designed to help the primates have enriching experiences while living in captivity.

According to the zoo’s Facebook page, the orangutans need to be “entertained, occupied, challenged and kept busy mentally, emotionally and physically at all times.”

And so the program involving the otter family has enabled the animals to live in the river that runs through the enclosure where the orangutans lives; that includes dad, Ujian 24-year-old, mom, Sari, 15-years-old and their three-year-old son named Berani.

Pairi Daiza NL
” Dear friends,

A little moment of pleasure to share with you… In this difficult period, in which we have to keep distance from each other, some of our residents provide a smile on the faces in people around the world. For a few days, the international press has been sharing the photos and videos of Ujian, Sari, Berani and the otters in Pairi Daiza. CNN, Daily Mail, The Sun… our orangutans and otters are going around the world. Even JK Rowling – the writer of the Harry Potter stories – fell for the charm of these animals. No, Mrs. Rowling, no Photoshop was used! Ujian, Berani and the otters live in perfect harmony together. This living together also provides a nice enrichment for both animal species.”

Without a doubt everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. The orangutan family arrived at the zoo in 2017 along with two others Gempa and Sinta. Zoo keepers keep them busy with games, puzzles and fun pastimes. No doubt, the orangutans who share 97% of their DNA with humans are extremely intelligent.

The orangutan population is threatened by palm oil plantations where they used to live in Borneo and Sumatra. A worldwide effort is currently underway to restore thousands of trees in Borneo with hopes the orangutan population will survive.

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