Dogs left on balcony with no food or water desperately tried to escape but one died

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Two dogs left on a balcony in Fort Worth, Texas were abandoned after the woman who occupied the apartment moved away with her three small children. The dogs had no food or water and no way to escape from the balcony.

Disturbing photos posted on social media Wednesday outraged animal advocates after the surviving dog was rescued.

“Today, an individual found one dog dead and one alive. The black dog hanging below, trying desperately to escape the starvation. While the one left alive mourns his buddy in confusion, sick with heartworms and intestinal parasites,” the report stated.

Saving Hope Rescue is now caring for the surviving dog and states the owner is now being investigated. The apartment complex where the dogs were discovered responded to inquiries from advocates.

Please note the apartment complex employees are the people who contacted rescue organizations. As can be seen by the photos, the balcony is enclosed and it was not visible to be seen by neighbors.

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  1. These precious treasures did NOT get so emaciated and dehydrated overnight…… they were starved of food and water over a period of time (if you don’t want to deal with living animals and their needs, then don’t have pets)……

    I hope the owners get charged for animal cruelty and serve time…… no “acceptable” reason for the state of their dogs…….

    I hope the surviving dog recovers ASAP and is rehomed. The poor precious treasure who died, I know that you are absolutely in Heaven. Please look for MacKitty and join his wonderful snuggle buddies group and RIP amongst loving friends.


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