Animal rights group calls for investigation of man repeatedly shooting coyote

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At the Sierra Lakes Golf Club in Fontana, California, an animal activist group has called upon authorities to investigate the repeated shooting of a trapped coyote. A man was videoed last week shooting the coyote in the head and face at close range for several minutes.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter urging the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office to pursue animal cruelty charges against the shooter.

Check out the video: (Disturbing images – use viewer discretion)

“Called authorities but was told they had permit so doing my part to show you how it’s done cause I don’t agree. He used a leg trap set on a golf course, golfers be cautious, then a pellet rifle put the dead coyote in a black garbage bag, then reset the trap. I understand the nuisance but there is a right and wrong way. Plus there are golfers that walk this same area looking for balls (Sierra Lakes Golf Course, Fontana CA),” wrote an onlooker.
According to PETA, the coyote had been trapped by the leg in what could have been an illegal trap, “and that the prolonged, bungled killing was in violation of California’s anti-cruelty statutes as well as state wildlife codes and regulations.”
“The pain and fear that this coyote must have felt throughout this ordeal is hard to imagine,” stated Stephanie Bell, senior director of  cruelty casework….
The disturbing video, which had been forwarded to PETA, showed the coyote trapped by his foot while a man shot him repeatedly in the head and face with a small caliber firearm. The shooter displayed no experience in using any kind of firearm, and with each shot he fired, the animal yelped and tried to escape. It wasn’t until a long and torturous firing of multiple shots  that the coyote writhed in pain – still alive and suffering as the shooter reloaded his firearm.
California Code calls for all animals legally trapped to be killed or released immediately. Trapped animals to be killed by shooting must be in an area where local ordinances, landowners and safety permits. After all, this is a golf course – how can using a gun be safe?

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