Frantic mother dog clawed through rubble to rescue her newborn puppies

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In a poignant video released this week and shared by Animal Aid Unlimited, a frantic mother dog could be seen clawing her way underneath a house’s foundation digging deeper into the rubble.

“This frantic mother dog’s love of her puppies has her digging with paws, biting at stones and tearing at the rubble to free her buried babies who are trapped after a house collapsed in the rain. When Animal Aid’s rescuers arrived, they feared the puppies might not be alive, but their Mama must have been able to hear them or sense that they were still alive and she was determined to tell us so. Every minute was precious and she seemed to realize that they could suffocate at any moment. You’ll never forget this incredible portrait of a blissful rescue and a mother’s unstoppable love. For a mother, nothing is more important than the safety of her children,” the animal rescue charity based in Rajasthan, India posted on their social media page.

The rescuer, helping the dog, can be seen moving large chunks of debris to make it easier for the dog to dig, and when she suddenly stopped clawing at the dirt, the man pulled out a newborn puppy and held it near the mother dog’s nose. She smelled her puppy and appeared to acknowledge it, but then returned to digging – obviously looking for her other puppy.

The man is soon able to pull out another puppy estimated to be no more than a few weeks of age.

Check out the video:

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Yesterday: Billionaire’s yacht used to rescue dogs and help battered Bahamas

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