Woman tried to sell 29 Chihuahuas from a horse trailer

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On a Wirral roadside, in northwest England, a woman was arrested on Sunday trying to sell 29 Chihuahuas, including newborn puppies, from a horse trailer. Witnesses stated the owner could have caused harm to the dogs because of the extremely hot weather conditions.

According to the Echo, the 45-year-old woman provided no food or water for the dogs and argued with authorities when they confronted the woman about the number of dogs in her possession. Witnesses claimed to have heard “loads” of barking coming from the trailer. The woman has been charged with suspicion of animal cruelty and causing unnecessary suffering to animals.

Merseyside Police contacted the RSPCA, and all of the dogs were safely removed. She has been released pending an ongoing investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the RSPCA Frontline at 0300 1234 999. “If you see something that you think is wrong, say something.”

(Photo of 29 Chihuahuas kept in a horse trailer via the Echo screenshot)

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  1. Well!!! WELL!!! our neighbors OVER THE POND and their RMP did a GOOD JOB of stepping up to the plate for these little dogs and also busted this ignorant Bitty that was mistreating them!!! and didn’t just close their to the fact of the neglect and the fact This BINBO didn’t give a damn how these little pups and the adults were toasting in the heat…. God job!!!

    • O yes, she needs an encounter with an 18 wheeler on a major highway – let her useless butt be splattered all over the road.

  2. Simple–She is insane and should be locked up in a hot cell without food and water.

    God bless the pups and their angel rescuers!


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