Three cats survived after left 22 days inside Edmonton animal shelter vehicle

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Three cats survived 22 days inside of an Edmonton Humane Society shelter vehicle after they were forgotten during the transport of pets. According to the Facebook page of the organization, the cats were dehydrated, hungry and suffered urine burns to their paws, but miraculously survived with no major illnesses or injuries.

The incident reportedly occurred on March 27 when pets had been transported to another shelter and somehow were overlooked. It wasn’t until April 18 that the cats were discovered as staff had been preparing the vehicle for another animal transfer. The EHS stated they had been carefully monitoring the cats to ensure their health before they were transferred to another agency for placement. The cats have since been adopted.

In response to the situation and social media outrage, the Edmonton Humane Society posted a news release on Monday assuring the public that new procedures and processes have been instituted to make sure this never happens again:

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  1. OMG!!! We all make mistakes and have episodes of forgetfulness at times BUT this is BEYOND THE TOP!!! AT least the Edmonson Rescue was up front about it and IMMEDIATELY MADE CHANGES in the WAY the TRANSPORTS are handled… THSESE ARE VERY TOUGH AND HARDY CATS WHO NOW HAVE GOOD HOMES!!!

  2. Wow! Talk about miracles! Don’t understand how animals can be “forgotten” for 22 days! What if the shelter staff’s families were “forgotten” for 22 days?

    Thank you, God, for yet another miracle! I hope and pray that these precious little kitties find a happy loving forever home! Under the circumstances, THE SHELTER SHOULD GUARANTEE THIS!

  3. No way will I ever understand HOW animals could be left for 22 days and no one noticed – apparently the Edmonton Humane Society needs to retrain their employees big time. This is totally unacceptable – do they have so many transport vehicles that this was just unnoticed? I hope the new procedures instituted will work as they are very lucky these cats actually survived. Some people should never work with animals – this is totally unacceptable and irresponsible. And only due to the grace of God that the cats did not perish – not due to any human intervention for 22 days. Pitiful.


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