Another dog loaded onto wrong United Airlines flight

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Another dog was loaded onto the wrong plane Thursday, and yes, it happened to United Airlines again. A flight leaving from Newark, New Jersey and heading to St. Louis was diverted to Akron, Ohio after the airlines realized their mistake.

According to CNN, Flight 3996 was carrying 33 passengers to St. Louis, but the pet was scheduled to fly to Akron. The dog, that had been traveling in a carrier, however was safely delivered to his owners at an undisclosed location, and the airlines offered compensation to all of the passengers because the flight had been diverted.

On Monday, a French bulldog died on a flight from Houston to New York after an airline attendant placed the dog in an overhead bin. On Tuesday, a German shepherd landed in Japan when he was headed to join his family in Kansas City. Instead a Great Dane, who was the dog heading to Japan landed in Kansas City. All the dogs have since been reunited with their owners.

All dogs in pet carriers will now be tagged with brightly colored tickets to avoid being mishandled. The tags will help flight attendants identify pets. Prosecutors from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office in Houston announced Thursday that they have been reviewing Kokito’s death and will decide if animal cruelty charges are warranted.

No one is counting United, but this is the third pet mishandled situation in one week.

Read the previous story here.

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Recently in the news: Puppy dies on United Airlines flight after attendant forced family to put carrier in overhead bin

More: Miracle cat survives being impaled on fence

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  1. Kokito was MURDERED! Slowly suffocated to death. Now United and the biatch stewardess are denying any knowledge of the puppy. WHAT IS THE STEWARDESS’ NAME? WHY are you protecting her?

    • I wonder how that stewardess sleeps at night knowing she killed that puppy and IS LYING about IT! I feel so bad for the Kokito owners and how much poor Kokito suffered before he died in that suffocating overhead bin. R.I.P. Kokito.

      I think Kokito owners should sue United Airlines, especially for animal cruelty and pain and suffering for Kokito and for what United Airlines put the owner through!!!

    • I agree – UA keeps on proving what an inadequate hunk of junk it is – this flight attendant damn well knew there was a dog in that carrier and did not care, and UA is just pulling a cover up – her name should be posted and she should be fired for her incompetence.

  2. United Airlines is so uncompentent they should be shut down. Three (3) animal mishaps in one (1) week. What else are they going to do? They’ve murdered an innocent puppy, beaten a golden retriever, sent a dog half way around the world, now sent another dog to the wrong destination. People who use them are asking for disaster!!! It’s gone far beyond abuse, torture, mishandling. They obviously just don’t give a damn about living companions, family members, your pets. They obviously hire mentally challenged humans who can’t follow simple directions. And the public trusts these employees to fly the planes, putting their life’s in their hands??? You’d think United would rehire competent employees, devise a strict training program, use a probationary program where employees are monitored strictly for at least 6 months. Training should continue weekly for the first year of employment. Supervisors need to be on each flight watching to ensure all rules and regulations are being followed down to the letter. To many mistakes are being made, to many animals are being put threw hell due to no fault of their own, to many deaths, to many injuries, TO MANY PERIOD!!! One (1) death is to many, one (1) case of an animal being beaten is to many, one (1) animal being flown to the wrong destination is to many!!! Something must be done!!!! United must be shut down, they can’t be trusted at all !!!

  3. “Will decide if animal cruelty charges are warranted”, listen to the witness accounts of the murder of that pup and tell me if charges are warranted! This airline is beyond irresponsible, and need to be sued!

  4. Damn straight! Cruelty charges are merited. I’d sue their asses in a heartbeat. Actually, they would have had to kill me before they would have put my dog in an overhead!

  5. United Airlines keeps on proving it is incompetent and unreliable to deliver or transport ANY animal safely. The little pug was treated so poorly by some brain dead employee who, I am sure, was told there was a dog in the carrier and did not care, nor did UA, this airline is dangerous to all animals and their limp wrist apologies mean nothing – they will take your money and kill your animals, or screw up the destination so your pet ends up God knows where. This seems to be common practice with this airline – 18 animals died in their ‘care’ last year alone. This is a pathetic record and should be a huge warning to all customers flying with pets – United Airlines will kill them.

  6. Look where this Case is being Reviewed :::: Good God Almighty::: Harris County Texas:::: where so VERY MANY DOGS PERISH in the HIGH KILL SHELTER IN HARRIS COUNTY::: HARRIS COUNTY where there has been so much Animals torture gone unanswered for:::: No Charges against people that have tortured, maimed, butchered, Pet after Pet!!!! Watch if this case is dismissed You will see some of the Harris County District Attorneys Driving New Outfits!!!!


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